
Let's start with 2 new articles over on the jOOQ blog – the first is a deep dive on using lambdas for database access, and the second – a look at the new Optional semantics in Java 8:

=> Java 8 Will Revolutionize Database Access

=> Optional Will Remain an Option in Java

As Java 8 is out and about, we're going to see a good few articles about how it affects the way we write code going forward. This is one of these articles, and it's a good one:

=> Abstract Class Versus Interface in the JDK 8 Era

Very useful post for the advanced Mockito user:

=> What are Mockito Extra Interfaces?

Eclipse has finally came out with the official Java 8 support – took a while to get here, but it looks good:

=> Eclipse Support for Java 8


Busy week for Spring fans – with a few interesting releases: Spring Framework 4.0.3 (Java 8 support done), Spring Security 3.2.3, Spring Data Redis 1.2.1 and Spring AMQP 1.3.0.

Also some webinar replays: Spring Framework 4.0 on Java 8, Spring LDAP 2.0.0 and Tips and Tricks for Client Side Performance.

Next – good things come in pairs – and this week we have a couple of great testing articles about working with Spring and WebDriver and HtmlUnit. Very helpful if you're doing any kind of UI testing (let's assume you are).

=> Spring MVC Test with WebDriver

=> Spring MVC Test with HtmlUnit

And finally, a foray into the Enterprise space, where Spring is well represented – and an early look at how Java 8 will affect that landscape:

=> Java 8 in Enterprise Projects

The third part of the excellent series about tracking errors in a Spring app is out, and of course it is makes it into this weeks review:

=> Error Tracking Reports – Part 3 – Strategy and Package Private

And finally, a great 6 part series about building a RESTful API with Spring:


Nearly every week, one thing keeps me engaged more than most other stuff I read – and this week, it's the continuation of an article from last week – TDDing a chess game.

A few years back, before I gave TDD a proper go and decide to work though the initial pain, I had tried it a few times only to revert back because I couldn't really make it stick. That seems to be the case with a lot of people – you somehow understand that TDD is an important practice, you may even get that it's one of those rare things that's going to change the way you code irrevocably for the best – but you still don't pull the trigger.

For me, pulling the trigger was a 3 day retreat with J. B. Rainsberger and Corey Hanes – I forced myself to jump to TDD because I saw what it could do. A video series like this – solving a real problem with TDD is important – so I'm excited to follow this one as it unfolds:

=> TDD Chess Game Part 2

Couple of interesting articles about a good interview questions – some really nice points in here for anyone on the giving end of the interview process:

=> Dissecting an interview question

=> What makes a good interview question

=> Microservices

By Martin Fowler – is this the definitive word on what an Enterprise Application is? Probably.

=> EnterpriseApplication

And finally, a fun little 10 minute demo of using Google Docs as a testing environment, by J. B. Rainsberger – always teaching:

=> Google Spreadsheet as a Test-First Demo Environment


Unless you're one of the lucky souls that has been unlikely fortunate – you probably had to sit through your fair share of go-nowhere meetings, and you'll find this piece especially relatable:

=> Meetings and Introverts: Strangers in Strange Lands

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