At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to start better documenting my reading habits and sharing them here with all of you.

The point is two fold – by curating and documenting, my reading has become more purposeful and diverse. Also – I believe that curation of good content brings a lot of value, helps people explore and allows the best stuff to raise to the top.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy these as we move in the latter half of 2014.

Here we go…

1. Java and Spring

>> Writing Clean Tests – To Verify Or Not To Verify

Most articles use simple examples – get the point across, get in and get out. This is not one of these articles. Writing real software is a complex endeavor and here – we see a glimpse into what that looks like – an actual usecase unit tested in a disciplined manner. Then – these unit tests re-evaluated and improved.

It’s worth taking the time to read this one.

>> A beginner’s guide to JPA/Hibernate flush strategies

A rundown of how the Hibernate flush mechanism works – another one to augment your Hibernate know-how.

>> Spring MVC Integration Testing: Assert the given model attribute(s) have global errors

Cool example of creating a custom constraint and a custom validator – and using them within a Spring controller.

>> Top 4 Java Web Frameworks Revealed: Real Life Usage Data of Spring MVC, Vaadin, GWT and JSF

Stats about real-world usage of frameworks are always good – get Spring in the mix – and it gets even better. Some interesting numbers in here.

>> Spring Boot Admin

An interesting little boot app used to provide quick feedback and info about your deployed applications.

>> CRUD using Spring Data Rest and AngularJS using Spring Boot

A lot of cool stuff technologies used in this one – a sample app is a good place to start if you’re aiming to go into Spring Boot or any of the others. The article doesn’t hold your hand either – it throws you in the deep and you have to get swimming.

2. Technical

>> Life, the Universe and Technical Interviews

This quick post will get your mind going – particularly about fitting your own solution into a tweet. Bonus points for hitting 140.

3. Musings

>> Recall, Retrieval, and the Scientific Method

Insightful piece on the scientific method, what TDD means in it’s context, and how continuing practice can rewire your thinking and overall approach.