At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to start to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung.

Curating my reading has made it more purposeful and diverse – and I’m hopefully providing value to you as well by allowing the best content of the week to raise to the top.

Here we go…

1. Java and Spring

>> When the Java 8 Streams API is not Enough

An in-depth look at a cool Stream extension library that come out of the jOOQ main library and API.

>> Java 9 – The Ultimate Feature List

A good discussion of the features that were announced/accepted into Java 9. A java REPL would be cool to have.

And of course, if you’re keeping track of news and updates on Java 9 – here’s the page where I’m tracking everything.

>> Hunting Java Concurrency Bugs

Not light reading – Dr. Heinz Kabutz going over some interesting concurrency bugs. I only had time to look at two of these, but they all look like they’re worth exploring a bit more.

>> Caveats of HttpURLConnection

Just one of the many things that make the Apache Http libraries a superior alternative to the standard raw HTTP library that comes out of the box with the JDK.

>> Hibernate bytecode enhancement

This piece is going deeper into Hibernate dirty checking – now using bytecode enhancement techniques – an interesting and specialized read.

>> Two-Phase-Commit for In-Memory Caches – Part II

And since we’re on the persistence track, here’s a recent and good piece on transactions when you’re working with an in-memory cache on top of your raw persistence layer.

Finally – because SpringOne2GX was going on, there’s a bit less Spring related news than we’re accustomed to; we do have some cool releases:

2. Technical and Musings

>> What 60,000 Customer Searches Taught Us about Logging in JSON

This article has a good Call to Action: Start Logging in JSON Now!


The final chapter of a solid series on Network Performance.

>> Be Idiomatic

3. Comics

XKCD is one of those sites that can eat up a good few hours digging through their archives – here’s some of my own favorite ones:

>> Collatz Conjecture

>> Impostor

>> Tech Support

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