1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss two significant stages of normalization namely 3NF and BCNF. Understanding these normal forms and their differences is crucial for designing efficient and well-structured relational databases.

2. Overview of Normalization Process

DBMS is the heart of modern information systems. It enables efficient organization, storage, and retrieval of vast data. Relational databases, a popular type of DBMS, use tables to store and manage data. This makes understanding and manipulating complex relationships between different data entities easier.

Maintaining their integrity and performance becomes increasingly challenging as relational databases grow in size and complexity. This is where normalization comes into play. Normalization is a systematic process of decomposing larger tables into smaller ones. Its goal is to minimize data redundancy and eliminate data anomalies. Normalization also improves data integrity by ensuring that each piece of information is stored only once. This logical relationship between data makes databases more efficient, consistent, and flexible.

In the journey of normalization, we encounter various stages called Normal Forms. These forms are denoted as First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF), Third Normal Form (3NF), and so on. They serve as guidelines to achieve optimal database design. Each subsequent normal form builds upon the previous one. It imposes stricter rules to eliminate specific types of data dependencies and anomalies.

3. 3NF

3NF is an essential milestone in the database normalization process. It is designed to eliminate transitive dependencies. These dependencies can lead to data inconsistencies and redundancies.

A relation (table) is said to be in 3NF if, and only if, it satisfies the following condition:

  • It must be in 2NF.
  • It must have no transitive dependencies.

For instance, let’s consider a table named Employee_Project with the following columns Employee_ID, Employee_Name, Project_ID, and Project_Name. In this table, Employee_Name depends on Employee_ID (the primary key), and Project_Name depends on Project_ID. However, there is also a transitive dependency Employee_Name is indirectly related to Project_ID through Employee_ID:

3NF Drawio

To convert this table into 3NF, we can split it into two separate tables Employee (Employee_ID, Employee_Name) and Project_Employee (Employee_ID, Project_ID, Project_Name).

3.1. Rules for a Relation to Be in 3NF

Firstly, we need to ensure that each table cell contains only a single value and that each column represents a distinct data type. Essentially, we’re eliminating any repeating groups to keep our data organized and easy to understand.

Secondly, let’s take a look at our data and identify the unique entities. Once we’ve done that, we should create separate tables for each one. This will help us in maintaining the data integrity and consistency.

Thirdly, it’s crucial that each table has a primary key, which is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row. This will help us in accessing and manipulating the data efficiently.

Lastly, we need to watch out for transitive dependencies. Here’s what it means: if a non-key attribute (A) depends on another non-key attribute (B), and B depends on the primary key, then A transitively depends on the primary key. To fix this, we should create a separate table for the attributes A and B. This will help us in eliminating any redundancies and dependencies.

3.2. Advantages of 3NF

Achieving 3NF in our database design offers several benefits. Firstly, it eliminates data redundancy by removing transitive dependencies, which helps minimize data duplication, making the database more efficient and easier to maintain.

Secondly, it improves data integrity by reducing the likelihood of data inconsistencies and anomalies, ensuring that our database remains accurate and reliable. Finally, it simplifies data manipulation, as the well-structured tables in 3NF make it easier to query, update, and manage data.


BCNF is a more advanced stage of database normalization. It builds upon the principles of 3NF. BCNF further eliminates redundancies and dependencies to ensure data consistency and integrity.

A relation (table) is said to be in BCNF if, and only if, for every functional dependency X → Y, X is a superkey. A superkey is a set of one or more columns (attributes) within a table that can uniquely identify a row (tuple).

For instance, let’s consider a table named Student_Course with the columns  Student_ID, Student_Name, Course_ID, and Course_Name.In this table, Student_Name depends on Student_ID (a superkey), and Course_Name depends on Course_ID (also a superkey). However, the table has two separate superkeys, which is unsuitable for a BCNF relation:


To convert this table into BCNF, we can split it into two separate tables  Student (Student_ID, Student_Name) and Course (Course_ID, Course_Name). To represent the relationship between students and courses, we can then create a third table, Student_Course_Enrollment (Student_ID, Course_ID).

4.1. Rules for a Relation to Be in BCNF

Firstly, we need to analyze our table and determine if there are any functional dependencies (X → Y) where X is not a superkey. A superkey is a set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple in a table. If we find any functional dependencies that violate BCNF, we need to take action.

Secondly, if we do find any functional dependencies that violate BCNF, we need to decompose the table into two separate tables. The first table should contain the functional dependency X → Y, and the second table should contain the remaining attributes, including the super key. This will help us in eliminating any redundancies and dependencies.

By following these rules, we can ensure that our database is in BCNF, which will make it more efficient, easier to manage, and less prone to errors. BCNF is a stronger normal form than 3NF, and it guarantees that there are no transitive dependencies in the database.

4.2. Advantages of BCNF

Achieving BCNF in our database design offers several benefits. Firstly, it eliminates redundant data by ensuring that data is stored in the most efficient way possible, minimizing duplication and reducing storage requirements.

Secondly, it improves data consistency by eliminating unnecessary dependencies, which helps prevent anomalies such as insertion, deletion, and update anomalies.

Finally, it simplifies data management, as the well-structured tables in BCNF make it easier to query, update, and manage data, thereby improving the overall performance and usability of the database.

5. Key Differences Between 3NF and BCNF

While both 3NF and BCNF are essential stages in the database normalization process, they have distinct rules and conditions. Understanding these differences is crucial for designing efficient and well-structured databases:





A relation is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and has no transitive dependencies.

A relation is in BCNF if, for every functional dependency X → Y, X is a superkey.

Rules and Conditions

Eliminate repeating groups. Create separate tables for each set of related data. Use primary keys. Eliminate transitive dependencies

Identify functional dependencies. Decompose the table if any functional dependency violates the BCNF condition (i.e., X is not a superkey)

6. Examples

6.1. Employee Table

Let’s imagine we have an Employee table, which has the following attributes: Employee_ID, Employee_Name, Department_ID, and Department_Name. In this table, Employee_Name depends on Employee_ID (the primary key), and Department_Name depends on Department_ID (also a superkey):

employee drawio

This table is in 3NF because it has no transitive dependencies. However, it is not in BCNF because it has two separate superkeys. To make it BCNF compliant, we need to decompose it into two separate tables, one for employees and their IDs and another for departments and their IDs:

6.2. Orders Table

Now, let’s consider a table called Orders, which has the following attributes: Order_ID, Customer_ID, Product_ID, and Quantity. In this table, Order_ID is the primary key, and there are no transitive dependencies:

orders drawio

This table is in 3NF because it satisfies the conditions for 2NF and has no transitive dependencies. It’s also in BCNF because, for every functional dependency, the determinant is a superkey (Order_ID, Customer_ID, and Product_ID are all superkeys in this case).

A relation that meets the requirements of 3NF may still fail to comply with BCNF under certain circumstances. One such scenario is when a relation in 3NF possesses multiple superkeys, leading to non-compliance with BCNF, which necessitates that every functional dependency’s determinant be a superkey.

Additionally, if a relation in 3NF exhibits non-trivial functional dependencies—where the determinant is not a superkey—it will not adhere to BCNF, as BCNF expressly prohibits such dependencies.

7. Practical Implications

The choice between 3NF and BCNF in database design has significant implications, affecting both performance and usability.

7.1. Impact on Database Design and Performance

The normalization level of a database significantly influences its design and performance. BCNF databases typically demand lower storage requirements compared to 3NF databases, as they excel in eliminating redundant data more effectively.

While 3NF databases offer simpler queries due to their reduced number of tables and relationships, BCNF databases can efficiently handle complex queries owing to their optimized structure.

Moreover, BCNF databases typically exhibit superior data consistency by eliminating unnecessary dependencies and mitigating the risk of anomalies, presenting a compelling advantage over 3NF databases.

7.2. Use Cases for Choosing 3NF Over BCNF and Vice Versa

The choice between 3NF and BCNF depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the database at hand.

For small-scale databases characterized by limited complexity, 3NF might suffice to ensure data consistency and maintain acceptable performance levels.

Conversely, large-scale databases with complex relationships and substantial data volumes often benefit more from BCNF adoption. BCNF minimizes redundancy, enhances data consistency, and optimizes query performance in such scenarios.

However, in the context of data warehouses primarily used for reporting and analysis purposes, where query performance and simplicity take precedence over strict data consistency, In such cases, 3NF, or even denormalization may be more appropriate.

7.3. Trade-offs and Considerations for Database Administrators

Database administrators face critical trade-offs and considerations when selecting the appropriate normalization level for their database.

Higher levels of normalization, such as BCNF, can improve data consistency and minimize storage requirements but may introduce more complex queries and relationships.

On the other hand, 3NF databases often have simpler queries and relationships, making them easier to manage and maintain. However, BCNF databases can still perform complex queries efficiently due to their optimized structure.

Moreover, Databases that are expected to grow and evolve over time may benefit from higher levels of normalization, such as BCNF, to ensure a robust and flexible foundation for future expansion.

8. Conclusion

In this article, we explored the differences between 3NF and BCNF in database normalization. Understanding the differences between 3NF and BCNF is crucial for database administrators. The choice between these normalization levels can significantly impact database design, performance, and usability.

While 3NF provides a solid foundation for database normalization, BCNF offers a more advanced approach to ensure data consistency and integrity. The decision to use 3NF or BCNF in database design should be based on a thorough understanding of their differences. It should also involve a careful evaluation of the unique requirements and constraints of the database.