1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll learn about front-end and back-end development and their differences.

Web development is the process of creating web applications on the Internet.

A website consists of two parts: the front-end and the back-end.

2. What Is Front-End Development?

The front-end is part of the website that the user can see and directly interact with. It’s also known as the client-side.

The front-end is concerned with how things look on a website. Furthermore, it includes text, graphics, colors, styles, alignments, and navigation.

One of the main objectives of front-end development is to make websites responsive, which means making sure that the website renders well on a variety of devices and screen sizes. This practice is also known as responsive web design (RWD).

The common languages that we can use for front-end development are:

  • HTML: a markup language for creating and organizing web content
  • CSS: a language we use to format the layout of webpages (like colors and fonts)
  • JavaScript: we use JavaScript to make websites interactive (like adding a dropdown menu, a contact form, and so on)

The popular frameworks and libraries that we can use for front-end development include:

  • React: a JavaScript library for creating front-end
  • Angular: a TypeScript-based web application framework
  • Vue.js: a front-end JavaScript framework
  • Bootstrap: a front-end CSS framework

3. What Is Back-End Development?

The back-end is part of the website that users can’t see and directly interact with. It’s also known as the server-side.

The back-end is concerned with how things work and consists of logic and data. Moreover, it is responsible for storing and organizing data and ensuring data integrity.

It also connects the front-end components and makes sure the front-end works properly. Further, it involves building APIs, managing the database, adding functionalities, creating libraries, and working with server-side components.

The languages that we can use for back-end development are high-level, general-purpose programming languages like:

  • Python: a dynamically-typed language
  • Java: an object-oriented language
  • Ruby: an interpreted language
  • Go: a statically-typed language
  • JavaScript: can be used for both the front-end and the back-end
  • PHP: a scripting language

The frameworks and libraries that we can use for back-end development include:

4. The Differences

Now let’s see the differences:



How things look

How things work

The user can see and directly interact with

The user can’t see and directly interact with

Includes text, graphics, colors, styles, alignments, and navigation

Includes logic and data

Languages are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Languages include Python, Java, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, PHP

Frameworks and libraries include React, Angular, Vue.js, and Bootstrap

Frameworks and libraries include Django, Flask, Node.js, Spring, Ruby on Rails

5. Summary

In this article, we learned about front-end and back-end development and their differences.