1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll present the Jump Search algorithm.

2. Search Problems

In a classical search problem, we have a value z and a sorted array x with n elements. Our task is to find the index i of z in x.

If x is a linked list, it doesn’t have indices. Instead, each element is a (key, item) pair, so we’re looking for the item whose key is z. We’ll denote the ith element of the list x as x[i] just as we do with arrays.

However, if x is an array, we can access any element in an O(1) time (assuming that x fits into the main memory). In contrast, if \boldsymbol{x} is a list, we need to follow \boldsymbol{i-1} pointers to reach \boldsymbol{x[i]} , so the complexity of access is O(i). In the worst case, we want to reach the end of the list, so we traverse all the n elements to get to it, which takes O(n) time.

That’s why an array search algorithm such as Binary Search isn’t suitable for singly-linked lists. It checks the elements of x back and forth, but going back isn’t an O(1) operation when x is a list, and checking x[j] after x[i] (i < j) takes more than a constant time.

Jump Search is a list search algorithm but can handle arrays equally well. It assumes that its input x is a sorted linked list. That means that each element’s key should be \leq than the next one’s.

The algorithm partitions \boldsymbol{x} into the sub-lists of the same size, x[1:m], x[m+1:2m], x[2m+1:3m], \ldots, x[(\lfloor n / m \rfloor - 1) m : n] and checks them iteratively until locating the one whose boundaries contain z:

    [x[j \cdot m + 1] \leq z \leq x[(j+1)m]]

Once the sub-list is found, the algorithm checks its elements one by one until finding z or reaching the last one in the sub-list if z isn’t there.

The name comes from the jumps of size m between the steps. For instance, this is how the algorithm runs when m=5:Jump Search

3.1. Pseudocode

Here’s the pseudocode:

algorithm JumpSearch(x, z, m):
    // INPUT
    //    x = a sorted list with n (key, item) pairs
    //    z = the key to find in x
    //    m = the jump size
    // OUTPUT
    //    If z is in x, returns the item of x whose key is z. Otherwise, returns "failure".

    left <- x.head
    right <- follow m pointers from left to reach the mth element

    while right != NULL and not (left.key <= z < right.key):
        left <- right.next
        right <- follow m pointers starting from right

    if right = NULL:
        return "failure"
        while left != right.next and left.key != z:
            left <- left.next

        if left = right.next:
            return "failure"
            return left.item

We can set m to any value we like, but the algorithm’s complexity depends on our choice of m.

3.2. Complexity Analysis

Let’s say that our list has n elements. In the worst case, we check all the \lceil \frac n m \rceil sub-lists’ boundaries and compare all the elements in the last sub-list to z. So, we perform O\left( \frac n m + m\right) comparisons.

The minimum of \frac n m + m is 2 \sqrt{n} when m = \sqrt{n}. So, if we set \boldsymbol{m} to \boldsymbol{\sqrt{n}}, Jump Search will run in \boldsymbol{O(\sqrt{n})} time with respect to the number of comparisons.

However, to reach the new sub-list’s end, we need to follow m pointers from the previous step’s  right. As a result, we traverse all n nodes in the worst case. So, the algorithm has an O(n) worst-case time complexity if we consider node traversals. However, if a comparison is more complex than following a pointer, we can say that the complexity is O(\sqrt{n}).

3.3. Arrays

As we said before, Jump Search can handle arrays too. We prefer it over logarithmic Binary Search when going back (e.g., from testing if \boldsymbol{x[n/2]=z} to checking whether \boldsymbol{x[n/4]=z}) is expensive or impossible.

That can happen when x is so large that it can’t fit into the working memory or is a stream of data we’re downloading from an external source. In the former case, requesting x[j/2] after x[j] might require loading new blocks from the disk into RAM. In the latter case, downloading individual elements is expensive since we get them over a network, so going back and forth like in Binary Search would be slow.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we presented the Jump Search algorithm. We use it to search singly-linked lists in O(\sqrt{n}) time, but it can also search arrays.