1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll study Menger’s theorem on finite graphs. We define a graph G with vertex set V and edge set E as finite when both sets are finite.

2. Menger’s Theorem

Karl Menger formulated this theorem in the year 1927 while he was studying graph connectivity problems. It was the pioneering work in that era because it paved the way for advanced theorems in graph connectivity (max-flow min-cut, strongly connected components) and duality in linear programming.

Let’s consider a finite undirected planar graph G=(V, E). Here, we choose two non-adjacent vertices x and y from V:


Now, we want to disconnect x from y. So, how can we do it?

For this, we first need to find out how many internally disjoint paths there are between both x and y:

disjoint paths

If we have 3 disjoint paths p_1, p_2, and p_3 between them, then we can completely disconnect x and y by removing all edges on p_1, p_2, and p_3:

3 disjoint paths

Menger’s theorem is about the number of nodes and edges we need to remove from a graph to disconnect two non-adjacent vertices.

3. Formal Definition

It has two formulations: the vertex and edge versions.

3.1. The Vertex Case

Let u and v be distinct non-adjacent vertices in a connected graph G(V, E).

Further, we define a vertex subset S^{V}_{u,v} as a uv vertex-separator if the vertices u and v are in different components of the sub-graph G-S^{V}_{u,v} (the sub-graph we get by removing from G all the nodes S^{V}_{u,v} and the associated edges).

This also means there’s no path from u to v in G-S^{V}_{u,v}. Thus, S^{V}_{u,v} separates u from v  in G. We call S^{V}_{u,v} a uv vertex-cut.

The vertex case of Menger’s theorem states that for any undirected graph G and non-adjacent vertices u and v, the minimum number of vertices in a uv vertex-cut is equal to the maximum number of pairwise internally disjoint paths between u and v.

3.2. The Edge Case

The edge case is similar.

We define S^{E}_{u,v} \subseteq E as a uv edge-separator if the vertices u and v lie in different components of the sub-graph G-S^{E}_{u,v} (sub-graph obtained after deleting S^{E}_{u,v} from G). By analogy with the vertex case, we also call it an edge cut.

The edge version of Menger’s theorem states that for any undirected graph G and non-adjacent vertices u and v, the number of edges in the minimum edge-cut for u and v is equal to the maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint paths from u to v.

3.3. Example

We now move on to an example to understand these definitions. Here, we have a graph G:

Graph Example

The set S^{V}_{u,v} = \{b, e, g\} (red nodes) is the minimum uv vertex-cut, and the edge set S^{E}_{u,v} =\{(b, v), (e,v), (g,v)\} (dashed pink) is the minimum uv edge-cut.

They correspond to a three-element set of internal disjoint paths (paths that don’t share any vertex other than u and v) P=\{\{ (u, a), (a, b), (b, v)\}, \{(u, e), (e, v)\}, \{(u, g), (g, v)\} \}.

No larger set of paths is disjoint internally and connects u and v. So, the theorem works: the minimal edge and vertex cuts have the same cardinality as the maximum disjoint path set.

4. Proof of Menger’s Theorem

We’ll use induction on the number of edges to prove the theorem.

To improve exposition, we define A as the set of all neighbors of u and B as the set of all neighboring vertices to v.

4.1. Base Case

For G with no edges, the minimum uv separator is the set of common vertices of A and B.

The vertices in A \cap B correspond to paths between u and v, which proves the base case.

4.2. Induction

Let’s say our graph G has m > 0 edges and assume that Menger’s Theorem holds for all graphs with <m edges.

We aim to prove that the maximum number of independent paths between u and v equals k, the size of the minimum uv cut in G.

To do so, let e=(x, y) be an edge in G, and let S be the minimum uv vertex cut in G'=G - e:The proof of Menger's Theorem.

If S has k vertices, it’s the minimum uv cut for G. Since G' has m-1 edges and Menger’s theorem holds for it by the inductive hypothesis, it also holds for G.

Otherwise, S has k-1 vertices. Why? That’s because if it had fewer nodes, the minimum uv cut in G would also have fewer than k vertices, which is a contradiction.

Now, each uv path in G is:

  • either an uv path in G' (so it doesn’t contain the edge e)
  • or a path containing e

The minimum separator of A and S\cup\{x\} is also the minimum separator of u and v and has k vertices. So, there are k paths from u to S\cup\{x\}. The same goes for B and S\cup\{y\}. Concatenating those paths, we get at most k paths from u to v, which we wanted to prove: k-1 without e and one through e.

5. Max-flow Min-cut Theorem for Network Flow

The max-flow min-cut theorem is the generalized version of Menger’s theorem.

In graph and optimization theory, the max-flow min-cut theorem states that in a flow network created from a directed acyclic graph, the maximum amount of flow that can pass from the source node s to the sink node t is equal to the total weight of the edges in the minimum st cut.

Let’s understand this with an example. So, we have a directed acyclic graph G whose each has a flow and a capacity:

Network Flow

The flow is the quantity of load (processing power, network requests, etc.) we are currently transporting over that edge, and the capacity is the maximum load.

Initially, we set the flow over all edges to 0. Now, we have two minimum s-t edge separators: S_1=\{(s, a), (s, b)\}, and S_2=\{(c, t), (d, t)\}. But, S_1 has a total capacity of 7 (4+3), and S_2 has a total capacity of 6 (4+2). So, our minimum cut is 6, and we can send a maximum of 6 units of flow from s to t in G:

Network Flow Saturated

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explained Menger’s theorem. It tells us that for an undirected graph with two non-adjacent vertices \boldsymbol{u} and \boldsymbol{v}, the minimum number of vertices needed to disconnect both of them is equal to the maximum number of the internally disjoint paths between \boldsymbol{u} and \boldsymbol{v} .