1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss mob programming and its benefits and drawbacks. We’ll provide best practices for using mob programming in our development process.

2. What Is Mob Programming?

Mob programming is a method of software development where a group of individuals collaborates on a single project while using the same computer and other devices.

It originated from agile software development practices. Agile approaches provide a rapid and flexible process that allows teams to adapt quickly to changes.

As the name implies, mob programming involves a small team or mob of programmers working together in a small group in real-time on a single task and one computer.

Moreover, mob programming expands on the idea of pair programming by having the entire team work together at one computer to complete one task at a time.

This approach is typically used when high-level design and development decisions need to be made, and it involves multiple people working together to generate a variety of ideas for solving a problem.

3. How Does It Work?

In mob programming, participants rotate their roles in a way that promotes learning and development for all. This helps to develop both soft skills, like collaboration and problem-solving, and hard skills, such as coding and technical knowledge.

Mob programming the mob, navigator, driver, and facilitator roles:

  • The mob refers to a group of programmers working together on the same project in real-time.
  • The navigator is responsible for guiding the group toward the intended goal by listening to the mob’s discussion and communicating instructions to the driver.
  • The driver writes the code and implements the ideas generated by the mob and the navigator.
  • Lastly, the facilitator manages the process, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and resolving any issues that arise.

Let’s say our company wants to develop a software application using the mob strategy.

The development process begins with the facilitator selecting individuals to participate in the mob programming, assigning the roles of driver and navigator, and determining the task that needs to be accomplished.

The mob then discusses and agrees upon the approach to be used, and the navigator structures the ideas and approaches into instructions for the driver. The driver, who is the only one on the keyboard, translates the verbal instructions into code.

During the development process, the navigator assists the mob in reviewing the code as the driver is writing it. If necessary, the facilitator can assign the roles of driver and navigator to other mob members.

4. Advantages of Mob Programming

Mob programming allows many individuals to take part in the task at hand and collaborate on complex issues. This is extremely helpful when discussing subjects that demand in-depth analysis and a range of perspectives.

The following are some advantages of mob programming:


Knowledge Sharing

The shortcomings and talents of each team member become increasingly clear as development continues. We can learn how to deal with those vulnerabilities if we can access common knowledge.

Better Code

The team checks the code to make sure it meets coding standards, usually done by the navigator and mob. The team will act appropriately if an issue turns out to exist.

Improved Decision-Making

The feedback is immediate. This allows for constant improvement and a better overall experience for all involved.

Enhanced Effectiveness

We learn more about the development process quickly and easily. Everyone on the team has access to shared knowledge so that problems can be solved promptly and team members continue to learn about the development process.

Enhanced Communication

Mob programming is an excellent approach to honing our technical and soft skills. The mob learns how to work effectively together but also acquires communication and time-management skills.

Ensures the Flow of Work

This feature enables work to continue even if a team member is absent from the work environment.

5. Disadvantages of Mob Programming

Working in a mob programming environment has some drawbacks:


Remote Work

Mob programming is more effective when everyone is in the same room because that creates a more social experience and helps to ensure that everyone is working together effectively. Although video conferencing can still be helpful in allowing remote teammates to take in the conversation, it may not be a good experience for all the members, who then become less active.

Perception Barrier

The major downside of mob programming is that it can be difficult to change people’s perceptions about how efficient the process is. Resource efficiency is commonly thought of in terms of activity and outward production. Because of this, it could be challenging to gain management support for starting a mob-programming project at all. Even then, we might have only limited time to demonstrate its viability.

Hiding or Deferring

Mob programming can sometimes lead to developers feeling shy or insecure because they may not feel comfortable sharing their work with others.

Difficulty in Managing

Mob programming may not be the best option for all organizations. Some developers may believe that forced group work and conversations are more burdensome than useful and that the collaborative process is slow. Mob programming sessions can be difficult to manage if the team is not completely on board, and code production may suffer as a result.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we talked about mob programming. It’s a common software development approach that offers a lot of advantages, including greater code quality, improved communication, knowledge sharing, enhanced decision-making, and greater effectiveness.

In mob programming, the team works collectively on the same tasks, and we use the “driver/navigator” approach, in which the navigator gives directions to the driver, who translates them into code.

In general, mob programming can be beneficial for some companies, but it may not work well for all teams.