1. Introduction

In software development, it’s crucial to ensure that newly added features or changes don’t affect the existing functionality. This is when regression testing becomes essential.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore regression testing, including its types, strategies, and best practices for effective implementation, along with practical examples.

2. Overview

Regression testing is a type of software testing that aims to confirm that recent changes or additions haven’t adversely affected the existing codebase. It’s essential in maintaining software quality, especially in projects that undergo frequent updates or enhancements.

The primary purpose of regression testing is to discover any bugs or issues that recent code updates might have introduced. So, we use regression testing to check whether the software remains operational as intended and if no new defects arise due to code changes.

We can perform regression testing manually or using automation tools. Automated regression testing is beneficial in large projects, where manually testing all software modules would be time-consuming and error-prone.

3. Types of Regression Testing

There are several types of regression testing, each suited to different scenarios. Let’s examine the common types.

3.1. Unit Regression Testing

In unit regression testing, we focus on testing individual components or units of the code. Specifically, our goal is to ensure that the smallest functional parts of the application are working correctly after changes:

Unit Regression Testing

Let’s say we have a function that calculates the sum of two numbers. After modifying this function to handle negative numbers, unit regression testing would involve testing it with various inputs to ensure it performs the addition correctly.

To verify that our addition function works correctly, we can write the following unit test:

public int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

// Unit Test Example
public void whenAddingTwoNumbers_thenCorrect() {
    assertEquals(5, add(2, 3));

public void whenAddingNegativeNumbers_thenCorrect() {
    assertEquals(-1, add(-2, 1));

public void whenAddingTwoNegativeNumbers_thenCorrect() {
    assertEquals(-5, add(-2, -3));

3.2. Partial Regression Testing

We perform partial regression testing when changes are made to a particular module or component of the software.

Unlike unit testing, which tests individual units of code in isolation, partial regression testing checks that the recent changes haven’t adversely affected the interconnected modules or features within the application:

Partial Regression Testing

For example, let’s consider an e-commerce application where the payment gateway is updated. In partial regression testing, our focus is to ensure that the payment process works correctly and that other related components, such as order processing, are unaffected.

3.3. Complete Regression Testing

In complete regression testing, we test the entire application after a significant change or when the software has undergone multiple updates:

Complete Regression Testing

This approach ensures that all software modules work as expected.

For example, if we add a new feature, such as user authentication, complete regression testing would involve testing not only the authentication process but also the rest of the application.

4. Implementation

Depending on our project’s requirements, we can implement regression testing manually or use automated tools. Before diving into the specific methods, let’s take a look at a high-level overview of the regression testing process:

regression testing workflow diagram

As the diagram shows, the process begins with a code change and then involves choosing and running specific test cases.

We execute the selected tests manually or with automated tools and analyze the results. If we find any issues, we address them in the fix issues phase, followed by a re-test. Finally, once all tests pass, the code is ready for deployment.

Now, let’s examine the manual and automated methods in more detail.

4.1. Manual Regression Testing

In manual regression testing, we execute test cases manually.

While this method can be effective for smaller projects or testing specific functionalities, it’s generally time-consuming and not scalable for large applications.

4.2. Automated Regression Testing

Automated regression testing is ideal for large and complex projects. It uses automation tools to run predefined test cases every time the code is updated. This approach saves time and ensures consistency in testing.

For instance, we could use tools like JUnit for unit tests and Selenium for UI regression tests in a Java project. Automation scripts to run these tests automatically whenever developers push changes to the codebase:

mvn test

This command would run all the project’s unit tests, ensuring no new code breaks existing functionality.

5. Best Practices for Regression Testing

First, we should automate wherever possible. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error, making it especially valuable in larger projects.

Next, it’s crucial to keep our test suites up to date. As the software evolves, our regression test suite should also evolve to reflect the latest features and changes.

We should also prioritize our test cases, focusing on the most critical parts of the application. This approach helps us achieve high coverage with minimal effort.

Finally, integrating regression testing into our Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline allows us to catch issues early in the development process.

By adopting these best practices, we can ensure that our software remains stable and reliable as it continues to grow and evolve.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explored regression testing, its types, testing strategies, and best practices. Regression testing is not just about finding bugs—it’s about ensuring that our software meets users’ needs without introducing new issues.

Regression testing ensures that new code changes don’t negatively impact existing functionality. Whether automated or manual, regression testing plays a crucial role in maintaining software quality and reliability.