1. Introduction

In software development, we believe unit testing remains vital for ensuring code quality and robustness. Among the many nuanced decisions we face in this area, one stands out for its complexity and ongoing debate: Should private methods within a class be subjected to unit testing, or should testing be confined strictly to public methods?

In this tutorial, we’ll explore both perspectives, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and provide guidance for developers grappling with this common issue.

2. Overview

Unit testing is an essential part of software quality assurance. It focuses on testing the smallest parts of a software application: individual units or components. The main goal of this testing is to ensure that each part of the code functions as intended.

In object-oriented programming, this often means testing the methods of a class. However, one key question arises: should we extend this testing to private methods hidden from the rest of the application, or should we limit it to public methods that form the class’s external interface?

Software development communities have varying opinions on whether private methods should be tested. Some of us prefer to test only public methods to maintain the purity of encapsulation principles. Others believe that testing private methods is essential, especially for those that contain significant logic or complexity.

3. The Importance of Unit Testing

Let’s begin by understanding why unit testing is crucial in our software development process. At its core, unit testing involves validating individual components of our application to ensure they work as expected. By isolating each part of the code and testing it separately, we can catch and fix errors early. This will greatly enhance our software’s overall quality and reliability.

Unit tests serve as a first line of defense in our development workflow. They help us identify bugs early and reduce the cost of fixing issues later in the development cycle. Moreover, well-written unit tests act as documentation for our code, making it easier for others (and ourselves in the future) to understand how each component works.

4. Public vs. Private Methods: Understanding the Distinction

In object-oriented design, we often categorize methods in a class as either public or private. Public methods form the interface of a class – they are accessible to other parts of our application and define how other components interact with the class.

Private methods, on the other hand, are internal to the class. They are hidden from the outside world and used to perform tasks internal to the class’s functionality.

This distinction is critical when we consider what to test in our unit testing strategy. Public methods are naturally our primary focus in testing as part of the external interface.   However, the question arises: should we also test private methods, which contain internal logic critical to the functioning of our public methods?

Let’s look at different factors and arguments to answer this question.

4.1. Testing Only Public Methods

Let’s first look at the arguments for testing only the public methods.

One of the fundamental principles in object-oriented programming is encapsulation — keeping a class’s internal workings private. When we choose to test only public methods, we are respecting this principle. This approach maintains the integrity of our class design, ensuring that the internal implementation can be changed without affecting the tests.

We also simplify the refactoring process by focusing our tests on public methods. Changes to private methods, which are often part of the natural evolution of our code, do not require us to rewrite tests. This flexibility is crucial in maintaining and evolving our software without being tethered to the implementation details captured in tests.

It’s worth noting that when we test public methods effectively, we often indirectly test the private methods they call. Well-designed public methods should exercise all the critical paths of the private methods, ensuring that the private logic is validated through the public interface.

4.2. Arguments for Testing Private Methods

Now, let’s look at why we should test private methods as well as public methods.

Testing private methods leads to more comprehensive test coverage. Private methods can contain complex and crucial logic that, if faulty, could lead to bugs that are harder to trace if only surfaced through public methods. Directly testing these methods can provide a finer granularity of testing and early detection of issues.

Testing them directly can be beneficial in cases where private methods are complex and handle significant logic. This approach allows us to isolate and focus on the intricate parts of our class’s functionality, ensuring that each component works correctly in isolation before being integrated into the larger system.

Testing private methods can aid development, offering immediate feedback on specific parts of our class’s logic. This practice can be especially helpful in the early stages of development when we are building out the internal mechanisms of our class.

4.3. Weighing the Pros and Cons

In our journey as developers, we must weigh the pros and cons of each approach. Testing only public methods aligns with the principles of encapsulation and simplifies maintenance. However, it may overlook specific complexities in private methods.

Conversely, testing private methods offers detailed coverage and immediate feedback but can lead to a more rigid code structure that’s harder to refactor.

The context of our project, the code complexity, and the need for maintainability should guide our decision. In the next section, we’ll explore best practices and practical considerations to help us make informed decisions.

5. Best Practices and Practical Considerations

In deciding whether to test private methods, we should consider best practices and practical aspects that align with our project’s needs and goals. Let’s look at some guidelines to help us in making an informed decision.

The primary goal of unit testing is to ensure that our software works as intended and to catch errors early. Therefore, whether testing public or private methods, our focus should always be on what provides the most valuable code’s functionality.

As a general rule,  we should aim to test private methods indirectly through public methods. This approach respects encapsulation and usually provides sufficient coverage for the internal workings of the class:

Testing public and private methods

If we need to test complex logic in private methods, we should consider whether this complexity indicates a need for refactoring. Sometimes, a private method with significant logic might be better off as a public method in a separate class. This not only makes the method testable but also enhances the modularity and clarity of our code.

When we deal with complex interactions that involve multiple classes and private methods, integration or system tests may be more appropriate. These tests allow us to verify the behavior of our system as a whole without getting bogged down in the details of private methods.

While thorough testing is crucial, it’s also important to balance rigor with practicality. Over-testing, especially when it comes to private methods, can lead to a rigid codebase that’s hard to maintain and evolve. We should aim for a testing strategy that is flexible and maintainable while providing confidence in our code.

Finally, we need to recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The right approach depends on the context of our project, including factors like the complexity of the code, team preferences, and the criticality of the application. We should be prepared to adapt any testing strategy as our project evolves.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve delved into the nuanced debate of testing private methods versus only public ones in software testing. We weighed the benefits of adhering to object-oriented principles against the need for thorough testing of complex private logic.

Ultimately, our discussion highlighted the importance of context in decision-making. Balancing theoretical ideals with practical needs, we suggest a flexible approach, adapting testing strategies to suit each project’s specific requirements and complexities.