1. Introduction

Converting char to String instances is a very common operation. In this article, we will show multiple ways of tackling this situation.

2. String.valueOf()

The String class has a static method valueOf() that is designed for this particular use case. Here you can see it in action:

public void givenChar_whenCallingStringValueOf_shouldConvertToString() {
    char givenChar = 'x';

    String result = String.valueOf(givenChar);


3. Character.toString()

The Character class has a dedicated static toString() method. Here you can see it in action:

public void givenChar_whenCallingToStringOnCharacter_shouldConvertToString() {
    char givenChar = 'x';

    String result = Character.toString(givenChar);


4. Character’s Constructor

You could also instantiate Character object and use a standard toString() method:

public void givenChar_whenCallingCharacterConstructor_shouldConvertToString() {
    char givenChar = 'x';

    String result = new Character(givenChar).toString();


5. Implicit Cast to String Type

Another approach is to take advantage of widening conversion via type casting:

public void givenChar_whenConcatenated_shouldConvertToString() {
    char givenChar = 'x';

    String result = givenChar + "";


6. String.format()

Finally, you can use the String.format() method:

public void givenChar_whenFormated_shouldConvertToString() {
    char givenChar = 'x';

    String result = String.format("%c", givenChar);


7. Conclusion

In this article, we explored multiple ways of converting char instances to String instances.

All code examples can be found in the GitHub repository.