1. Overview

Converting List to Map is a common task. In this tutorial, we’ll cover several ways to do this.

We’ll assume that each element of the List has an identifier that will be used as a key in the resulting Map.

2. Sample Data Structure

First, we’ll model the element:

public class Animal {
    private int id;
    private String name;

    //  constructor/getters/setters

The id field is unique, so we can make it the key.

Let’s start converting with the traditional way.

3. Before Java 8

Evidently, we can convert a List to a Map using core Java methods:

public Map<Integer, Animal> convertListBeforeJava8(List<Animal> list) {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (Animal animal : list) {
        map.put(animal.getId(), animal);
    return map;

Now we test the conversion:

public void givenAList_whenConvertBeforeJava8_thenReturnMapWithTheSameElements() {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService

4. With Java 8

Starting with Java 8, we can convert a List into a Map using streams and Collectors:

 public Map<Integer, Animal> convertListAfterJava8(List<Animal> list) {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = list.stream()
      .collect(Collectors.toMap(Animal::getId, Function.identity()));
    return map;

Again, let’s make sure the conversion is done correctly:

public void givenAList_whenConvertAfterJava8_thenReturnMapWithTheSameElements() {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService.convertListAfterJava8(list);

5. Using the Guava Library

Besides core Java, we can use third-party libraries for the conversion.

5.1. Maven Configuration

First, we need to add the following dependency to our pom.xml:


The latest version of this library can always be found here.

5.2. Conversion With Maps.uniqueIndex()

Second, let’s use Maps.uniqueIndex() method to convert a List into a Map:

public Map<Integer, Animal> convertListWithGuava(List<Animal> list) {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = Maps
      .uniqueIndex(list, Animal::getId);
    return map;

Finally, we test the conversion:

public void givenAList_whenConvertWithGuava_thenReturnMapWithTheSameElements() {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService

6. Using Apache Commons Library

We can also make a conversion with the Apache Commons library method.

6.1. Maven Configuration

First, let’s include Maven dependency:


The latest version of this dependency is available here.

6.2. MapUtils

Second, we’ll make the conversion using MapUtils.populateMap():

public Map<Integer, Animal> convertListWithApacheCommons(List<Animal> list) {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = new HashMap<>();
    MapUtils.populateMap(map, list, Animal::getId);
    return map;

Finally, we can make sure it works as expected:

public void givenAList_whenConvertWithApacheCommons_thenReturnMapWithTheSameElements() {
    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService

7. Conflict of Values

Let’s check what happens if the id field isn’t unique.

*7.1. List of Animals With Duplicated Ids*

First, we create a List of Animals with non-unique ids:

public void init() {

    this.duplicatedIdList = new ArrayList<>();

    Animal cat = new Animal(1, "Cat");
    Animal dog = new Animal(2, "Dog");
    Animal pig = new Animal(3, "Pig");
    Animal cow = new Animal(4, "Cow");
    Animal goat= new Animal(4, "Goat");

As shown above, the cow and the goat have the same id.

7.2. Checking the Behavior

*Java Map‘s put() method is implemented so that the latest added value overwrites the previous one with the same key.*

For this reason, the traditional conversion and Apache Commons MapUtils.populateMap() behave in the same way:

public void givenADupIdList_whenConvertBeforeJava8_thenReturnMapWithRewrittenElement() {

    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService

    assertThat(map.values(), hasSize(4));
    assertThat(map.values(), hasItem(duplicatedIdList.get(4)));

public void givenADupIdList_whenConvertWithApacheCommons_thenReturnMapWithRewrittenElement() {

    Map<Integer, Animal> map = convertListService

    assertThat(map.values(), hasSize(4));
    assertThat(map.values(), hasItem(duplicatedIdList.get(4)));

We can see that the goat overwrites the cow with the same id.

However, Collectors.toMap() and MapUtils.populateMap() throw IllegalStateException and IllegalArgumentException respectively:

@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void givenADupIdList_whenConvertAfterJava8_thenException() {


@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void givenADupIdList_whenConvertWithGuava_thenException() {


8. Conclusion

In this quick article, we covered various ways of converting a List to a Map, giving examples with core Java as well as some popular third-party libraries.

As usual, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.