1. Overview

A checksum is a sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a file. It is most commonly used to verify if a copy of a file is identical to an original.

In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to generate the MD5 checksum for a file in Java.

2. Use MessageDigest Class

We can easily use the MessageDigest class in the java.security package to generate the MD5 checksum for a file:

byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath));
byte[] hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(data);
String checksum = new BigInteger(1, hash).toString(16);

3. Use Apache Commons Codec

We can also use the DigestUtils class from the Apache Commons Codec library to achieve the same goal.

Let’s add a dependency to our pom.xml file:


Now, we simply use the md5Hex() method to get the MD5 checksum of our file:

try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(filePath))) {
    String checksum = DigestUtils.md5Hex(is);
    // ....

Let’s not forget to use try-with-resources so that we don’t have to worry about closing streams.

4. Use Guava

Finally, we can use the hash() method of a Guava‘s ByteSource object:

File file = new File(filePath);
ByteSource byteSource = com.google.common.io.Files.asByteSource(file);
HashCode hc = byteSource.hash(Hashing.md5());
String checksum = hc.toString();

5. Conclusion

In this quick tutorial, we’ve shown different ways to generate the MD5 checksum for a file in Java.

As always, the example code from this article can be found over on GitHub.