1. Introduction

Handling and converting exponential or scientific notation into a readable number format in Java is a common requirement, especially in scientific computing, financial calculations, and data processing. For example, we can convert the exponential notation 1.2345E3 to the standard number format 1234.5, or –1.2345E3 to -1234.5.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to convert exponential values into a standard number format.

2. Using DecimalFormat

The DecimalFormat class is part of the java.text package and provides a way to format decimal numbers. Let’s delve into the implementation:

String scientificValueStringPositive = "1.2345E3";
String expectedValuePositive = "1234.5";
String scientificValueStringNegative = "-1.2345E3";
String expectedValueNegative = "-1234.5";

public void givenScientificValueString_whenUtilizingDecimalFormat_thenCorrectNumberFormat() {

    double scientificValuePositive = Double.parseDouble(scientificValueStringPositive);
    DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.######");
    String resultPositive = decimalFormat.format(scientificValuePositive);
    assertEquals(expectedValuePositive, resultPositive);

    double scientificValueNegative = Double.parseDouble(scientificValueStringNegative);
    String resultNegative = decimalFormat.format(scientificValueNegative);
    assertEquals(expectedValueNegative, resultNegative);

In this test method, we start with two strings representing the scientific notation, one positive 1.2345E3 and one negative -1.2345E3, which correspond to the numbers 1234.5 and -1234.5, respectively. We also set the expected results for both cases.

*We parse the strings into doubles using Double.parseDouble(scientificValueString). Then, we create a DecimalFormat object with the pattern 0.######, which ensures up to six decimal places. This pattern works for all magnitudes of the value.*

We then call the format() method of the DecimalFormat object with both scientificValuePositive and scientificValueNegative as arguments and store the results in resultPositive and resultNegative.

Finally, we use the assertEquals() method to compare the results with the respective expected values, ensuring that the formatting operations correctly convert the scientific values to the standard number format.

3. Using BigDecimal

The BigDecimal class in the java.math package provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison, hashing, and format conversion. Here’s the implementation:

public void givenScientificValueString_whenUtilizingBigDecimal_thenCorrectNumberFormat() {
    BigDecimal bigDecimalPositive = new BigDecimal(scientificValueStringPositive);
    String resultPositive = bigDecimalPositive.toPlainString();
    assertEquals(expectedValuePositive, resultPositive);

    BigDecimal bigDecimalNegative = new BigDecimal(scientificValueStringNegative);
    String resultNegative = bigDecimalNegative.toPlainString();
    assertEquals(expectedValueNegative, resultNegative);

First, we convert both scientificValuePositive and scientificValueNegative to BigDecimal objects directly. After obtaining the BigDecimal representations, we use the toPlainString() method to obtain plain string representations of the numbers.

4. Using String Formatting

Java also provides a way to format strings using the String.format() method. Let’s look at a simple implementation:

public void givenScientificValueString_whenUtilizingStringFormat_thenCorrectNumberFormat() {
    double scientificValuePositive = Double.parseDouble(scientificValueStringPositive);
    String formatResultPositive = String.format("%.6f", scientificValuePositive).replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "");
    assertEquals(expectedValuePositive, formatResultPositive);

    double scientificValueNegative = Double.parseDouble(scientificValueStringNegative);
    String formatResultNegative = String.format("%.6f", scientificValueNegative).replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "");
    assertEquals(expectedValueNegative, formatResultNegative);

In this approach, we parse the strings representing the scientific notation into doubles using Double.parseDouble(scientificValueString).

*We then use the format() method of the String object to format the scientific values with up to six decimal places using (%.6f). Further, we remove trailing zeros and a trailing decimal point to ensure the correct representation.*

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, by using techniques like DecimalFormat, BigDecimal, and String formatting, we can effectively handle exponential values and present numerical data in a clear and understandable format.

As usual, the accompanying source code can be found over on GitHub.