At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.

Here we go…

1. Spring and Java

>> New in Spring 5: Functional Web Framework []

The new reactive framework in Spring 5 is starting to take shape (and getting to the top of my list to test).

>> Ready your Java 8 Reactive apps now, Reactor 3.0 GA is out ! []

Speaking of reactive applications, Reactor 3 is out with a major update to the programming model.

>> RXJava by Example []

And – still on reactive – a great intro to RxJava – which will have first class support in Spring 5 as well.

>> Free Thoughts on Java Library – ebooks, cheat sheets and more []

A grand library on Hibernate? Cool beans – the convenience of having material that’s well structured and thought out is definitely useful.

>> Java 9, OSGi and the Future of Modularity []

Given that Java 9 is not too far away now, it makes a lot of sense to start understanding modularity beyond the point of just reading about it.

>> The Ingredients and Roadmap of Rebooted Java EE 8 and 9 []

There’s finally some direction and clarity around the plans for Java EE 8 (and 9).

That being said, I’m personally not very enthusiastic about “a reboot” – there’s a reason reboots have a bad wrap – they generally don’t work.

The proposed list of features looks good, but forcing so many things in a single release is risky instead of developing them organically.

>> Should tests be ordered or not? []

An interesting attempt to challenge the assumption that tests shouldn’t be ordered.

>> Code generating beans – mutable and immutable []

Should we be using mutable beans in 2016? No, no, no!

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> How (not) to test RESTful APIs with Selenium WebDriver []

Yes. Definitely. Don’t do it 🙂

>> When to Choose SQL and When to Choose NoSQL []

Pick the right tool for the job. Look at SQL first.

Just remember that the ability to scale isn’t the only reason you might want to look at a NoSQL solution – domain design is a close second.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> I Stopped Contributing To Stackoverflow, But It’s Not Declining []

An inside look at the StackOverflow community from someone who’s actually on the inside.

I personally never really got into contributing on StackOverflow, but I find these reads about that ecosystem quite interesting nevertheless.

>> Azure Functions in practice []

A very fun and informative read about dealing with an ongoing, large-scale DDOS attack.

>> Defining Developer Collaboration []

Collaboration on a software project can range from herding cats to effortlessly skipping along towards the common goal. I found that latter scenario usually starts with the hiring process.

>> 7 years of blogging and a lifetime later… []

If you’ve been thinking about blogging, stop thinking and start typing.

>> Replacing Bugzilla with Tuleap []


>> WTF Is a CTO []

>> When to Hire a VP of Engineering []

A couple of writeups from the trenches, from an engineer I admire. Highly useful if that’s the direction you’re going on, career-wise.

>> Software Architect as a Developer Pension Plan []

A fun exploration of the state of our industry on the backdrop of the huge impact our profession has had on the world.

All based on a podcast episode from the Freelancers Show – which I remember listing to not too long ago 🙂

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> I thought I downsized you last week []

>> I can’t let you leave this cubicle alive []

>> Criticize the behavior, not the person []

5. Pick of the Week

My talk from Voxxed Days Bucharest earlier this year – all about CQRS and Event Sourcing:

>> An Architecture with CQRS and Event Sourcing by Eugen Paraschiv []