Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Analyzing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA []
A couple of solid Maven tools available to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate users — the Dependency Structure Matrix and dependency graph diagrams.
>> Service Virtualization Meets Java: Hoverfly Tutorial []
A JUnit 5 integration with Hoverfly can help you test communication points in your microservices architecture. Very cool.
>> Toppling the Giant: Kotlin vs. Java []
And if you’re considering switching from Java, you’ll find value in this summary of Kotlin’s pros and cons.
Also worth reading:
>> Google Releases New Java Logging Framework []
>> Heterogeneous Comparisons []
>> Streaming Java CompletableFutures in Completion Order []
>> A New Era for Determining Equivalence in Java? []
>> Two JEPs Proposed for JDK 13: Enhancing AppCDS and ZGC []
>> Not all OpenJDK 12 builds include Shenandoah: Here’s why []
>> A beginner’s guide to Hibernate Statistics []
>> Transforming Recorded TestProject Tests Into Java Code []
Webinars and presentations:
>> A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Batch and Spring Cloud Task lead Michael Minella []
>> Test-Driven Machine Learning []
>> Designing Distributed Systems with TLA+ []
>> Scrum and Kanban – Battle Royale or Save the World? []
>> Ashley Williams on Web Assembly, Wasi, & the Application Edge []
>> The Power of Energizers, Check-ins and Icebreakers []
>> Doug Kirkpatrick on Self-Management, Professional Growth and Great Cultures []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 3.0.0 Released [] and >> Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 2.1.2 Released []
>> Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 1.0.0.RC2 Released! []
>> Kotlin 1.3.30 Brings Kotlin/Native and KAPT Improvements, and More []
>> NGINX Plus Release 18 Available with Support for Dynamic Certificate Loading []
>> HashiCorp Releases Nomad 0.9 with Additional Scheduling Features []
>> Surviving the Frequency of Open Source Vulnerabilities [\]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Test Automation: Prevention or Cure? []
And as one team learned, breaking up work into smaller batches proved more effective than test automation in speeding up their software delivery cycle.
>> How to check if your Reserved Instances are used []
Since this doesn’t come with AWS out-of-the-box, here’s a way you can keep tabs on them through budget alerts.
Also worth reading:
>> HiveMQ Goes Open Source, Brings MQTT and Kafka Together []
>> Default Git options []
>> The Positive Side-Effects of Blockchain []
>> Planting Perennials Next to Potholes []
>> Expanding the AWS Cloud – Introducing the AWS Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: