1. Spring and Java
>> Mitigating Path Traversal Vulnerabilities in Java [foojay.io]
It’s always good to remind ourselves how to avoid basic vulnerabilities.
>> Context Propagation with Project Reactor 1 – The Basics [spring.io]
Context propagation gets way more complicated with reactive programming, but luckily Project Reactor is here for us.
>> 8 things you need to know when migrating to Hibernate 6.x [thorben-janssen.com]
And, also luckily, most things stayed backward compatible… with a couple of exceptions.
Also worth reading:
- >> Vaadin 24: Java 17, Jakarta EE 10, Servlet 6, Spring Boot 3 [foojay.io]
- >> The best way to use JOIN FETCH and Pagination with Spring [vlahmihalcea.com]
- >> 5 Great Reasons to use jOOQ [foojay.io]
- >> How to Turn a List of Flat Elements into a Hierarchy in Java, SQL, or jOOQ [blog.jooq.org]
- >> The best way to use the Spring Data JPA Specification [vlahmihalcea.com]
- >> OpenJDK 21 Compiler Warning on Constructor Calling Overridable Methods [marxsoftware.blogspot.com]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Mark Thomas, Apache Tomcat contributor extraordinaire [spring.io]
- >> Foojay Podcast #17: Execute Java Code with TornadoVM on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs [foojay.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring for GraphQL 1.0.4 and 1.1.3 released [spring.io]
- >> Java on Visual Studio Code Update – February 2023 [foojay.io]
- >> Java 20 Delivers Features for Projects Amber, Loom and Panama [infoq.com]
- >> Spring for GraphQL 1.2.0-M1 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Boot 2.7.10 available now [spring.io]
- >> Spring HATEOAS 1.5.4, 2.0.3 and 2.1 M1 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Boot 3.0.5 available now [spring.io]
- >> Spring Integration 5.5.17, 6.0.4 and 6.1.0-M2 Available [spring.io]
- >> Spring Modulith 0.5.1 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Boot 3.1.0-M2 available now [spring.io]
- >> Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.2.0 available now [spring.io]
- >> Quarkus 2.16.5.Final Released [quarkus.io]
- >> Quarkus 3.0.0.Beta1 Released [quarkus.io]
- >> Helidon 3.2.0 Released [helidon.io]
- >> Apache camel-3.20.3 Released [apache.org]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Billions of Messages Per Minute Over TCP/IP [infoq.com]
Just one word: impressive 🙂
Also worth reading:
- >> Start from zero and scale to zero – Azure Spring Apps consumption plan [spring.io]
- >> Event-Driven Order Processing Program [foojay.io]
- >> My evaluation of the Scaleway Cloud provider [blog.frankel.ch]
- >> Using Bots to Keep Dependencies Updated [foojay.io]
- >> Oracle Introduces a New Java SE Universal Subscription [infoq.com]
- >> Is Australia the new epicenter for healthtech startups? [allthingsdistributed.com]
- >> Ensuring uniqueness in Marten event store [event-driven.io]
- >> How to Build and Deploy a Real-time Cloud-based Logging System [foojay.io]
- >> Ingesting Time-Series Events from Kafka into QuestDB [foojay.io]
3. Pick of the Week
>> Faster hardware is a bad first solution to slow software [pythonspeed.com]