1. Spring and Java

>> How to cascade DELETE with Spring and Hibernate events [vladmihalcea.com]

Taking advantage of Hibernate’s event listeners to cascade a DELETE operation to other entities

>> JEP targeted to JDK 22: 459: String Templates (Second Preview) [inside.java]

Another preview of String Templates in Java 22: enhancing literal texts with embedded expressions and template processors

>> Spring Framework 6.1 goes GA [spring.io]

And, embracing JDK 21, project Loom, JVM checkpoint restore, new RestClient, and many more in a new version of Spring Framework

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> A retrospective on Errors Management: where do we go from here? [blog.frankel.ch]

An overview of different ways of error handling: return codes, exceptions, recoverability, error values, pattern matching, and more!

>> Efficiently Arranging Test Data: Streamlining Setup With Instancio [infoq.com]

Automated test data generation: solving the need for random test data using Instancio.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

We’re in the last few days of our only sale of the year, Black Friday: 

>> All Spring Courses