1. Spring and Java

>> Java 22 Delivers Foreign Memory & Memory API, Unnamed Variables & Patterns, and Return of JavaOne [infoq.com]

Last week, we celebrated the release of Java 22, but now it’s time to look into the amazing new features… and have a glimpse at what’s coming to Java 23!

>> Spring: Internals of RestClient [foojay.io]

RestTemplate is deprecated, and it’s time to dig deeper into its successor – the mighty RestClient 🙂

>> Reflectionless Templates With Spring [spring.io]

Template engines that don’t rely on reflection? Very cool

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Localize applications with AI [foojay.io]

Another cool use case for AI – localization. Seems to work pretty well.

>> TDD: You’re Probably Doing It Just Fine [thecodewhisperer.com]

You don’t need to do TDD all the time – it’s ok to apply it selectively.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> Context-switching – one of the worst productivity killers in the engineering industry [eng-leadership.com]