1. Spring and Java

>> Make Illegal States Unrepresentable – Data Oriented Programming v1.1 [inside.java]

Only representing legal states: using Java records to perform the boundary validations and modeling variants. Interesting.

>> JLama: The First Pure Java Model Inference Engine Implemented With Vector API and Project Panama [infoq.com]

Meet JLama: the first pure Java-implemented inference engine for easy interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs). Interesting.

>> Hibernate ON CONFLICT DO clause [vladmihalcea.com]

And, a practical take on how the Hibernate ON CONFLICT DO clause works and how we can use it to execute upserts.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> The TornadoVM Programming Model Explained [foojay.io]

An in-depth look at the TornadoVM programming model for parallel execution on heterogeneous hardware.

>> Emulating SQL FILTER with Oracle JSON Aggregate Functions [jooq.org]

Advanced techniques for emulating SQL FILTER semantics using Oracle JSON aggregate functions.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> How YouTube Was Able to Support 2.49 Billion Users With MySQL [systemdesign.one]