1. Spring and Java

>> Java: Demystifying The Stream API – Part 3 [foojay.io]

Enhancing the readability and maintainability of Java code with the Stream APIs: what, why, intermediate operations, and terminal operations.

>> AI Glossary for Java Developers [thorben-janssen.com]

Confused by all the acronyms and phrases used in the AI ecosystem these days? Let’s have a quick rundown of the most common ones.

>> Project Leyden Announces Early Access Build: 2-3x Start-up Improvements for Java Applications [infoq.com]

And enhance Java application performance with project Leyden: different optimizations like various CDS archives, AOTs, and classloading techniques

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Pongo – Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits [event-driven.io]

Let’s see if it’s possible to have the benefits of Mongo and Postgres combined. A MongoDB-compliant wrapper on top of Postgres!

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

I ran a very quick survey into IDE usage in 2024 – here are the quick results:

>> Java IDEs in 2024 – Survey Results [baeldung.com]

Very interesting to see the trajectories, compared to earlier results.