1. Spring and Java

>> Is Java Still Relevant Nowadays? [jetbrains.com]

Well… it turns out that yes. Not surprised 🙂

>> Creating a Command Line Tool with JBang and PicoCLI to Generate Release Notes [foojay.io]

Creating a CLI with Java is way easier than I thought. Good stuff!

>> Understanding JVM Memory Layout with OpenJDK24’s New PrintMemoryMapAtExit VM Option [foojay.io]

Sometimes, an application dies before you get the chance to debug it; now, it will be much easier.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> How to use symbolic links to move the DB data folder [vladmihalcea.com]

Using symbolic links to simplify migration? Nice!

>> Beyond Automation: Unveiling the True Essence of BDD [scottlogic.com]

Writing tests in Gherkin doesn’t make you a BDD practitioner – it’s quite a bit more than that.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> Perfectionism – one of the biggest productivity killers in the engineering industry [eng-leadership.com]