1. Spring and Java

>> Leveraging JDK Tools and Updates to Help Safeguard Java Applications [dev.java]

An overview of the built-in tools available in JDK – used to keep Java installations safe. A good read.

>> Spring AI Embraces OpenAI’s Structured Outputs: Enhancing JSON Response Reliability [spring.io]

Spring is integrating with Open AI’s structured outputs: ensuring AI-generated responses adhere strictly to a predefined JSON schema.

>> JSpecify 1.0.0 and Nullability in Java [infoq.com]

A common set of annotation types for use in JVM languages is to improve static analysis and language interoperation, especially when it comes to nullability.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Default map value [frankel.ch]

An overview of different approaches to provide a default value when querying an absent key in a hash map in different programming languages.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> Clean Code is being rewritten [x.com]