1. Spring and Java

>> WebAssembly the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java [infoq.com]

How WebAssembly (Wasm) offers a portable and secure solution, allowing native code to run safely on JVM applications. Interesting. 

>> Advanced JShell Usage [dev.java]

An anthology of advanced examples of using JShell — loading external libraries, custom scripts, using JDK tools, and more!

>> How to integrate Jakarta Data with Spring and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]

It’s tricky but still doable: integrating Jakarta Data in Spring applications. 

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Growing Better in Product: the Importance of Collaborative Culture [product.hubspot.com]

A practical example of how cross-functional teams can efficiently collaborate to drive product growth.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

Baeldung Pro is finally out and live 🙂

It’s been quite a road to get here.

Here’s a write-up in which I talk about how the membership was born (and a bit about how Baeldung works if you’re curious).

>> The Road to Membership and Baeldung Pro

And, if that’s too much context, here’s Baeldung Pro directly:

>> Baeldung Pro