1. Spring and Java
>> How to profile a performance issue using Spring Boot profiling tools [foojay.io]
Key scenarios where Spring Boot profiling tools are essential, and also an overview of common tools for each scenario.
>> Spring Boot CDS support and Project Leyden anticipation [spring.io]
Up to 3x faster startup times and lower memory consumption with Class Data Sharing (CDS), Spring AOT, and Project Layden. Very cool 🙂
Also worth reading:
- >> Java developers: Get what you want with observability and data [gradle.com]
- >> Four Easy Ways to Analyze your Java and Kotlin Code for Security Problems [foojay.io]
- >> What to Expect From Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 With Jakarta EE 11? [payara.fish]
- >> Configuring The WildFly To Use The JBeret JDBC Job Repository (Part 2) [jberet.org]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> Type Specialization of Java Generics #JVMLS [inside.java]
- >> The Keys to Developer Productivity: Collaborate and Innovate [infoq.com]
- >> Best of Java Performance – Inside Java Newscast #75 [inside.java]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Tanzu’s Cloud and Spring legend Chris Sterling [spring.io]
- >> Java Initialization 2.0 #JVMLS [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Hibernate Search 7.1.2.Final/7.2.1.Final are out! [relation.to]
- >> Quarkus 3.14.0 released as well as 3.8.6 and 3.14.1 [github.com]
- >> jhipster 8.7.0 released [github.com]
- >> jetty 10.0.23 released as well as 11.0.23 [github.com]
- >> microprofile 7.0 released [github.com]
- >> micronaut-core 4.6.3 released [github.com]
- >> helidon 2.6.8 released as well as 3.2.9 [github.com]
2. Technical & Musings
>> DRY your Apache APISIX config [frankel.ch]
DRY is not only about code; it’s about data management in general — how to DRYing configuration with APISIX.
Also worth reading:
- >> Detecting AI-written code: lessons on the importance of data quality [scottlogic.com]
- >> My Architecture Drivers [event-driven.io]
- >> Progress [lucumr.pocoo]
3. Pick of the Week
And, this week, picking our new Dark theme:
>> The Dark Theme in Baeldung Pro
Really cool to finally get that into Pro 🙂