1. Overview

We may often use a switch statement to convert from one value to another. In earlier versions of Java, this required us to either embed the switch in a separate function and use the return statement from each case or it required us to assign a temporary variable from each case for use later in the function.

Since Java 14, the yield keyword within switch expressions gives us a better approach.

2. The yield Keyword

The yield keyword lets us exit a switch expression by returning a value that becomes the value of the switch expression.

This means we can assign the value of a switch expression to a variable.

Lastly, by using yield in a switch expression, we get an implicit check that we’re covering our cases, which makes our code more robust.

Let’s look at some examples.

2.1. yield with Arrow Operator

To start, let’s say we have the following enum and switch statement:

public enum Number {

String message;
switch (number) {
    case ONE:
        message = "Got a 1";
    case TWO:
        message = "Got a 2";
        message = "More than 2";

Let’s convert this to a switch expression and use the yield keyword along with the arrow operator:

String message = switch (number) {
    case ONE -> {
        yield "Got a 1";
    case TWO -> {
        yield "Got a 2";
    default -> {
        yield "More than 2";

yield sets the value of the switch expression depending on the value of number.

2.2. yield with Colon Delimiter

We can also create a switch expression using yield with the colon delimiter:

String message = switch (number) {
    case ONE:
        yield "Got a 1";
    case TWO:
        yield "Got a 2";
        yield "More than 2";

This code behaves the same as in the previous section. But the arrow operator is clearer and also less prone to forgetting yield (or break) statements.

We should note that we can’t mix colon and arrow delimiters within the same switch expression.

3. Exhaustiveness

Another nice feature of using the switch expression and yield is if we are missing case coverage, we’ll see a compile error. Let’s remove our default case from the arrow operator switch expression to check:

String message = switch (number) {
    case ONE -> {
        yield "Got a 1";
    case TWO -> {
        yield "Got a 2";

The above code gives us an error on number: “the switch expression does not cover all possible input values“.

We could add the default case back in, or we could specifically cover the rest of the possible values of number:

String message = switch (number) {
    case ONE -> {
        yield "Got a 1";
    case TWO -> {
        yield "Got a 2";
    case THREE, FOUR -> {
        yield "More than 2";

The switch expression forced our case coverage to be exhaustive.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we explored the yield keyword in Java, its usage, and some of its benefits.

As always, the full source code of our examples is available over on GitHub.