1. Introduction

Context receivers in Kotlin offer a powerful mechanism to define the context in which a function can be called. This feature enhances the expressiveness and maintainability of Kotlin code by allowing functions to declare the specific context they require, leading to clearer and more modular code.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore context receivers, including how to use them effectively and discuss their benefits and limitations.

2. Understanding Context Receivers

Context receivers in Kotlin allow functions to declare the context or environment they require to operate explicitly, similar to extension functions. This feature improves the semantics and safety of our code by ensuring that functions are only called when the necessary conditions or dependencies are met.

Context receivers are particularly useful in scenarios where we need to scope a function that might otherwise be global, tying it to specific states or configurations.

2.1. Enabling Context Receivers

Context receivers are still an experimental feature in Kotlin, first introduced in version 1.6. To use them, we need to enable the experimental feature by adding specific compiler arguments to our project setup. We can do this by adding the following configuration to our build.gradle.kts file:

tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs += "-Xcontext-receivers"

This configuration lets the Kotlin compiler recognize and support context receivers in our code.

2.2. Syntax of Context Receivers

We use the context() keyword with one or more receiver types as the parameters before the function signature to define a context receiver. Let’s create some functions for a StringBuilder and then scope them with context receivers:

fun appendHello() {
    append("Hello, ")

fun appendWorld() {

In this example, the functions appendHello() and appendWorld() specify StringBuilder as their context receiver. This means these functions can only be called when the contextual this is a StringBuilder instance:

fun `test StringBuilder context receiver`() {
    val builder = StringBuilder()
    with(builder) {
    assertEquals("Hello, World!", builder.toString())

By using context receivers, we ensure that appendHello() and appendWorld() are only called when the contextual this is a StringBuilder instance. We also use the with() function to change the context and call our scoped functions. Therefore, this setup provides a clear and type-safe way to manage function dependencies on specific contexts, enhancing the readability and maintainability of our code.

3. Context Receivers With Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)

Context receivers can significantly enhance the readability and usability of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). We’ll create a simple HTML DSL to demonstrate using context receivers with DSLs.

3.1. Building the Base Class

First, let’s create a base class for our HTML DSL:

class HtmlBuilder {
    private val elements = mutableListOf<String>()

    fun addElement(tag: String, content: String) {

    fun build(): String = elements.joinToString("\n")

In this example, HtmlBuilder provides methods to add HTML elements and build the final HTML string.

3.2. Adding Context Receivers

Next, let’s introduce functions with context receivers for specific HTML tags:

fun p(content: String) {
    addElement("p", content)

fun h1(content: String) {
    addElement("h1", content)

Here, the p() and h1() functions are designed to be called within the context of an HtmlBuilder, scoping them to the DSL.

3.3. Utilizing the DSL

Now, let’s use this DSL to generate HTML content:

fun html(content: HtmlBuilder.() -> Unit): String {
    val builder = HtmlBuilder()
    return builder.build()

fun `test HTML DSL with context receivers`() {
    val htmlContent = html {
        h1("Welcome to My Website")
        p("This is a paragraph in my website.")
    val expected = """
        <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
        <p>This is a paragraph in my website.</p>
    assertEquals(expected, htmlContent)

In this test, the html() function sets up the HtmlBuilder context, allowing the p() and h1() functions to be utilized within its lambda. This approach ensures that the functions we intend for our DSL are constrained, promoting correct usage and enhancing readability while reducing the likelihood of errors.

By properly scoping our code with context receivers, we make it more robust and maintainable. Specifically, this usage exemplifies how context receivers can enforce context-specific function calls effectively.

4. Pros and Cons of Context Receivers

Let’s go over some pros and cons for using context receivers in our project.

4.1. Benefits

Context receivers provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved Readability: Clearly specify the required context
  • Enhanced Safety: Enforce required contexts, and reduce runtime errors

4.2. Limitations

However, context receivers also come with certain limitations:

  • Limited Tooling Support: Some IDEs/tools may lack full support
  • Experimental: Not part of the standard Kotlin library yet

5. Conclusion

Context receivers enhance Kotlin by specifying the context in which we can call a function. Context receivers help us enforce well-encapsulated Kotlin code.

It’s important to note that context receivers are still an experimental feature in Kotlin. As such, they require enabling specific compiler arguments and may not yet be fully supported by all IDEs and tools. Despite this, their potential benefits make them worth exploring and incorporating into projects.

As always, the code used in this article is available over on GitHub.

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