1. Introduction

Linux package managers play a crucial role in maintaining and updating the system. Understanding the default locations of log files for package managers is essential for system administrators and developers.

In this article, we’ll explore the default logs directory for package managers in Linux, including apt, yum, and dnf. We’ll also take a look at how these logs can be used to troubleshoot issues with package installations, updates, and removals.

2. Default Logs Directory

Linux uses log files to store important information about system processes, including package managers. The default location for these log files is typically in the /var/log/ directory. This directory contains log files for various system processes, including package managers such as apt, yum, and dnf.

When working with package managers, it’s important to understand where the log files are located and what information they contain. This information can be useful when troubleshooting issues with package installations, updates, and removals.

3. apt Logs

On Debian-based systems, we can find the logs for the apt package manager in the /var/log/apt/ directory. This directory contains several log files that provide important information about apt-related activities on the system.

We use the history.log file to determine what actions were taken on the system and when. The history.log file records all the apt-get and apt-cache commands run on the system. On Linux systems, package manager log files like the history.log file store records of actions such as package installations and updates. Use this file to check the package install/update date by searching the command used.

The term.log file records the output of apt-get and apt-cache commands run in a terminal. This file can help us understand the outcome of a specific command, including any errors or warnings that occurred.

The debug file contains debugging information for apt-get and apt-cache. This file can be helpful when trying to troubleshoot issues with apt-related commands. For example, if a command is not working as expected, the debug file may contain information about the cause of the problem.

To view the contents of the history.log file in the /var/log/apt/ directory on a Debian-based system:

$ cat /var/log/apt/history.log
Start-Date: 2021-12-01  18:22:17
Commandline: apt-get upgrade
Requested-By: john (1000)
Upgrade: libc6:amd64 (2.31-0ubuntu9, 2.31-0ubuntu9.1), libssl1.1:amd64 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2, 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.1), libssl-dev:amd64 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2, 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.1), openssl:amd64 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2, 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.1)
End-Date: 2021-12-01  18:23:21

Start-Date: 2021-12-01  18:23:22
Commandline: apt-get install apache2
Requested-By: john (1000)
Install: apache2:amd64 (2.4.46-1ubuntu2)
End-Date: 2021-12-01  18:23:52

Start-Date: 2021-12-02  15:22:12
Commandline: apt-get remove apache2
Requested-By: john (1000)
Remove: apache2:amd64 (2.4.46-1ubuntu2)
End-Date: 2021-12-02  15:22:34

More about cat command can be found here.

Each entry in the log file starts with a “Start-Date” line and ends with an “End-Date” line. The information in between includes details about the command used (e.g. apt-get upgrade, apt-get install apache2), the packages involved in the operation (e.g. libc6: amd64, apache2:amd64), and the user who initiated the operation (e.g. john (1000)).

To view the last 100 lines of the debug file in the /var/log/apt/ directory on a Debian-based system:

$ tail -100 /var/log/apt/debug
Start-Date: 2023-01-30  11:33:17
Commandline: apt upgrade
Requested-By: user (1000)
Upgrade: libc6:amd64 (2.31-0ubuntu9.1, 2.31-0ubuntu9.2), libssl1.1:amd64 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.2, 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.3)

We can find more information about the head and tail commands in Linux here.

This example shows a log entry for a package upgrade on the system. It includes the start and end time, the command line used, and the user who initiated the upgrade. In addition, it lists upgraded packages and their old and new versions.

4. yum and dnf Logs

Red Hat-based systems store the yum and dnf package manager logs in the /var/log/yum.log file. This file contains information about all yum and dnf commands executed on the system, including package installations, updates, and removals.

To quickly determine the actions taken on the system and when, review the yum.log file. For instance, search for a specific command such as package installation or update in yum.log to find out when it executed.

For more information about yum and apt, refer to this link: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/yum-and-apt

The yum.log file also provides information about the results of a specific command, such as any errors or warnings that were generated. For example, if a package update fails, the yum.log file will contain information about the cause of the failure, which can help us troubleshoot the problem.

Additionally, the yum.log file can assist us in troubleshooting issues with yum or dnf commands. For example, if a command is not working as expected, we can look at the yum.log file to see if there is any information about the cause of the problem and help us troubleshoot it.

To search for a specific package installation or update in the yum.log file on a Red Hat-based system:

$ grep -i "package_name" /var/log/yum.log

Apr 19 15:12:25 hostname yum[1234]: Installed: package_name-1.0.0-1.el7
Apr 19 15:13:10 hostname yum[1234]: Updated: package_name-1.0.1-1.el7
Apr 19 15:13:55 hostname yum[1234]: Erased: package_name-1.0.0-1.el7

The log file records that someone installed the package named package_name on April 19th at 15:12:25, upgraded it to version 1.0.1 at 15:13:10, and then erased it at 15:13:55. The entries were made by the yum package manager, and the process ID is listed as 1234.

To clear the yum.log file on a Red Hat-based system, use the following command:

echo "" > /var/log/yum.log

This will remove all the content of the yum.log file. Use with caution. After executing this command, if we run cat /var/log/yum.log, we will see an empty file with no content.

In Linux, the contents of these log files can be viewed using the cat, more, and less commands. The cat command allows us to view the contents of a file in the terminal while more and less allows us to view the contents of a file in a paginated manner, allowing us to navigate the contents of the file one page at a time. For more information on viewing files in Linux using these commands, we can refer to this link: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/files-cat-more-less

5. Conclusion

On Red Hat systems, package management activities can be found in the yum.log file. This file tracks all yum and dnf commands, including installations, updates, and removals. On Debian systems, the /var/log/apt/ directory holds log files with apt-related information, such as the history.log file tracking all apt-get and apt-cache commands.

These logs provide insight into the system’s state and package installations and can assist in troubleshooting issues with package managers.