1. Overview

Docker has revolutionized the way software is deployed and managed. It allows us to easily package applications into containers and run them consistently across different environments.

However, working with Docker often involves repetitive tasks, such as logging into container registries to push or pull images. To streamline this process, automation can be a valuable solution.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to automate Docker login using a Bash script.

2. Importance of Login in Bash Script

Docker login is a critical step in Bash scripts when working with containerization. It allows authentication with container registries, such as Docker Hub, enabling access to pull or push Docker images. By incorporating Docker login into our Bash script, we’re taking an important measure to ensure secure access to our private repositories, which prevents unauthorized usage.

Additionally, this integration allows us to seamlessly connect with continuous integration and deployment pipelines, facilitating automated workflows.

3. Automatic Login

Automating Docker login using a Bash script provides convenience and efficiency in working with container registries.

With this script, we can securely provide a password to users, enabling them to access Docker Hub services without entering their credentials manually every time.

3.1. Using Username and Password

In Docker, we can log in to the Docker registry in different ways. Let’s look at the common and easiest way to automatically login to the Docker registry using a username and password:


In the above Bash script, we automated the process of logging into a Docker registry and pulling baeldung/test:latest Docker image. The script uses the docker login command with the provided credentials to authenticate with Docker Hub. Also, it executes the docker pull command to fetch a designated Docker image from the registry.

By running this script, we can conveniently log in to Docker Hub and retrieve the specified image without manually entering the credentials each time.

3.2. Using Username and Password With stdin

We can also log in to Docker without exposing the password in the bash script. The Bash facilitates automatic Docker login with Docker Hub using a secure password prompt. To illustrate, let’s look at the script for securing the Docker password:

read -s -p "Enter Docker Hub password: " PASSWORD
echo "$PASSWORD" | docker login $REGISTRY_URL -u $USERNAME --password-stdin

In the above script, we used the read command with the -s flag to suppress input echoing. Users are prompted to enter their Docker Hub password, which is securely stored in the PASSWORD variable. The script then proceeds to log in to Docker Hub using the provided credentials by passing the stored password to the docker login command via stdin using the –password-stdin option. This method eliminates the need to expose the password in the command-line arguments, enhancing security.

Lastly, we also take precautionary measures to clear the PASSWORD variable using the unset command, ensuring that the password isn’t retained in memory any longer than necessary.

3.3. Using Username and Access Token With stdin

In Docker, we can simplify the Docker login process by utilizing a personal access token instead of a traditional password. Furthermore, an access token can be generated directly from the Docker Hub profile. To demonstrate, let’s use a personal access token to automatically log in to the Docker registry:

read -s -p "Enter Docker Hub personal access token: " ACCESS_TOKEN
echo "$ACCESS_TOKEN" | docker login $REGISTRY_URL -u $USERNAME --password-stdin

The provided Bash script aims to simplify the Docker login process by utilizing a personal access token instead of a traditional password. We accomplish this by passing the stored access token to the docker login command via stdin using the –password-stdin option.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we looked at three different approaches to automate Docker logins: using a username and password, using a username and password with stdin, and using a username and access token combined with stdin.

As Docker Hub’s authentication mechanisms change, we need to update our scripts accordingly based on our needs and security preferences.