1. Introduction

As Linux enthusiasts and system administrators, the /etc/networks file is crucial for us to understand, as it plays a unique role in the networking configuration of a Linux system.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the /etc/networks file and its fundamental role in network management and administration. We’ll delve into the structure and syntax of this file, distinguishing between network names and hostnames, a common source of confusion.

Finally, we’ll discuss real-world examples to illustrate the typical content of an /etc/networks file and its practical application in a corporate domain. Let’s get started!

2. Understanding the /etc/networks File

The /etc/networks file in Linux is a simple yet intriguing component of the system’s networking configuration. Its primary purpose is to assign symbolic names to networks, essentially serving as a mapping between these names and their corresponding network addresses.

This file might sound straightforward, but there’s a bit more to it.

2.1. File Structure and Syntax

The structure of the /etc/networks file is deceptively simple, following a basic syntax where each line consists of a network name and its corresponding network address. We must understand that these addresses are not individual IP addresses, but network addresses. This distinction is key because a network address typically ends with .0, representing the entire network rather than a single host.

For example, let’s see what a line in /etc/networks looks like:


Here, corpnet is a symbolic name representing the network address

However, a typical /etc/networks file might contain entries for various network segments, like the default network, loopback, or even specific subnets within a corporate network:


In this example, default and loopback are standard entries, while corpnet could be a custom addition for a specific corporate network segment.

2.2. Network Names vs. Hostnames

A common mistake in networking and related files is confusing network names with hostnames.

Network names are broad identifiers within the /etc/networks file. They categorize an entire network or a segment rather than pinpoint individual devices. These names provide a convenient way to refer to networks in various networking commands and scripts.

On the other hand, hostnames are specific to individual devices, serving as their unique identifiers within a network. Primarily, we use them to identify and access specific machines mapped to IP addresses in the /etc/hosts file.

The distinction is crucial in network management.

While /etc/hosts deals with the identities of individual machines, /etc/networks focuses on broader network segments. This delineation becomes particularly important in tasks like routing, where understanding network structures and segments is essential.

2.3. Importance in Network Management

The primary importance is in routing. We can reference network names in /etc/networks in routing tables, simplifying the management of routing paths and rules.

In addition, as system administrators, we can use symbolic network names to write more readable and maintainable scripts for network configuration, management, and automation.

Furthermore, understanding network segments through /etc/networks aids in diagnosing and resolving network issues, especially those involving large and complex network structures.

In short, /etc/networks serves a specific and important function in Linux networking, differentiating itself from /etc/hosts through its focus on network segments over individual hosts. This distinction, while subtle, is fundamental for efficient network management and operation.

3. Practical Usage of /etc/networks File

Diving deeper into the /etc/networks file, we must understand its practical application in network administration. Though not as commonly used as others like /etc/hosts, the /etc/networks file has its unique place in the Linux networking toolkit.

3.1. Historical Context and Current Relevance

Originally, the /etc/networks file was more prominent when networking tools relied heavily on symbolic names for networks. It provided a convenient way to reference networks without memorizing numerical addresses.

However, its direct usage has gradually diminished with the evolution of networking tools and practices. Despite this, it still finds relevance in certain legacy systems and specific applications.

3.2. Interaction With Network Utilities

Network management utilities like route and netstat can leverage the /etc/networks file. When these tools display network information, they can translate numerical network addresses into the more readable names defined in /etc/networks. Let’s see an example of how this works.

Suppose we’ve this entry in /etc/networks:


When viewing the routing table without suppressing name resolution, instead of showing the network address, the tool would display corpnet. It’s a subtle yet handy feature for readability, especially in complex network environments.

4. Setting Up the /etc/networks File

Configuring the /etc/networks file can be straightforward, but it requires attention to detail to avoid common pitfalls.

First, to edit the /etc/networks file, we can use a text editor like nano, vim, or any other preferred editor.

Then, with root privileges (sudo), we can add, modify, or delete entries. Each entry should be on a line, formatted as network-name network-address.

4.1. Adding an Entry

One of the most common mistakes is entering an incorrect network address or confusing it with a host address. We must remember that network addresses generally end in .0 and represent an entire network, not a single host.

For instance, a network mylocalnet with the network address will look like:

# /etc/networks file


This entry allows network tools to interpret as mylocalnet, enhancing readability in network management tasks.

Notably, when it comes to large networks, setting up the /etc/networks file is a simple yet careful task. We must be mindful of correct configuration to ensure network tools can effectively translate network addresses into more meaningful and manageable names.

Furthermore, after exiting the editor, we can test the configuration by verifying network connectivity. This ensures that our changes haven’t inadvertently affected network operations. We can use commands like ping or traceroute to test connectivity to various segments of that network. If things don’t look good, we can check system logs for any unusual entries that might indicate problems with the network configuration.

4.2. Extracting Network Address From /etc/networks

While the /etc/networks file’s direct impact might not be visible in everyday command-line operations like ping or traceroute, its real utility shines in network management and scripting.

To illustrate this, let’s explore how to utilize the mylocalnet network name we added in a script.

We’ll create a Bash script to fetch the network address corresponding to a network name as defined in /etc/networks:


# Function to check for and display network details
find_and_display_network() {
    local network_name=$1
    local network_details

    network_details=$(grep -w "$network_name" /etc/networks)

    if [ -n "$network_details" ]; then
        echo "Details for network '$network_name':"
        echo "$network_details"
        echo "Network '$network_name' not found in /etc/networks."

# Main script execution
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <network_name>"
    exit 1

find_and_display_network "$1"

Here, the script accepts a network name as a command-line argument. Then, it uses the grep command to search the /etc/networks file for our provided network name. If the network name is found, it displays it and its corresponding network address. However, if not found, it indicates that the network name doesn’t exist in the file.

Afterward, we save the script, e.g., find_network.sh, and then make it executable with chmod +x find_network.sh.

Finally, we can run it with the desired network name as an argument, e.g., mylocalnet:

$ ./find_network.sh mylocalnet

Since mylocalnet already exists in our /etc/networks file from our previous interaction, we get a positive outcome:

Details for network 'mylocalnet':

As we can see, the script outputs the network address associated with mylocalnet as defined in /etc/networks.

4.3. Scripting Importance

This method is valuable for automating network management tasks. For example, we could write a script that dynamically adjusts firewall settings based on our network addresses defined in /etc/networks.

Moreover, using network names defined in a centralized file like /etc/networks ensures consistency across various scripts and tools.

In addition, scripts become more readable and maintainable when they use descriptive network names instead of hard-coded IP addresses.

5. The /etc/networks File in Network Routing

Understanding how the /etc/networks file contributes to network routing and management is crucial.

Let’s discuss its role in simplifying the management of network addresses.

5.1. Role in IP Routing and Multiple Subnets

The /etc/networks file provides an abstraction layer in IP routing. As system administrators, we can use human-readable names instead of numerical network addresses in a large corporate setup.

This feature becomes particularly useful when managing complex networks with multiple subnets.

5.2. Translating Network Addresses into Names

When we use tools like route or netstat to display network information, they can translate the numeric network addresses into the names specified in /etc/networks. This translation enhances the readability of the routing tables, making them more understandable, especially for quick diagnostics.

For example, let’s consider this routing table without using /etc/networks:

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 eth0     *        U     0      0        0 eth0

Now, with an entry like our mylocalnet in /etc/networks:

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 eth0
mylocalnet      *        U     0      0        0 eth0

Here, mylocalnet instantly gives context to the network, aiding in quicker comprehension if we manage hundreds of networks in a large environment.

6. Best Practices for Maintaining Security While Using /etc/networks

When we talk about the /etc/networks file, it’s essential to recognize that, although it’s not a tool directly designed for securing a network, the clarity and organization it brings to network management can have indirect security benefits.

A well-organized network, where segments are easily identifiable, facilitates quicker responses to security incidents. This organizational clarity becomes crucial in large-scale or complex network environments where timely traffic flow identification can mitigate security threats.

One of the foundational practices in maintaining the /etc/networks file is ensuring that we regularly update the file. This process involves auditing the file periodically to confirm that it accurately mirrors the current layout of the network. Networks often evolve, with segments being added, removed, or repurposed.

Moreover, we must view the /etc/networks file as part of a broader network security strategy. This file, by itself, doesn’t offer protective measures against network intrusions or breaches.

However, it supports the overall security posture when combined with other security measures like robust firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular network monitoring. The clarity provided by the /etc/networks file can enhance the effectiveness of these tools. For instance, network monitoring tools can leverage the named network segments for more readable and understandable logs and alerts, allowing security teams to quickly grasp the scope and scale of any unusual activity.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we explored the nuances of the /etc/networks file in Linux. We started by unraveling its basic purpose and structure, then delved into the historical context that outlined its evolution in network management practices. We also examined this file’s practical applications, particularly in network routing, where it plays a key role in translating network addresses into human-readable names.

In addition, we delved into the security aspects associated with /etc/networks. While the file isn’t a direct tool for enhancing network security, we examined how proper management and use can indirectly contribute to a more secure network environment.

Finally, as system administrators, we must understand that the /etc/networks file, though a relic of older network management practices, holds significance in certain scenarios. Its ability to lend clarity and manageability to network administration makes it a noteworthy component in our Linux toolkit.