1. Overview

In the world of Linux operating systems, the root user holds unparalleled power and privileges. Root access allows us to make system-wide changes, install software, and modify crucial files and folders. However, it’s important to exercise caution and only use the root account when necessary. This is because it grants unrestricted access to the entire system. That’s why best practice involves limiting the use of the root account and relying on regular user accounts for everyday tasks.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to return from root login to user login within the shell environment in Linux.

2. Understanding Root and User Accounts

In Linux, the root user account, also known as the superuser or administrator, has unrestricted access to the system resources and files.

It has the power to execute any command and modify any file. This makes it an indispensable tool for system administrators for performing tasks that regular users cannot. Further, unrestricted access comes with inherent risks, as a mistake or malicious command executed as root can have devastating consequences.

On the other hand, user accounts allow individuals to work within a controlled environment. The regular user accounts have restricted privileges, ensuring that they can only access and modify files and directories for which they have appropriate permissions. This segregation of privileges enhances system security.

3. Why Return From Root to User Accounts?

There are several reasons why we might need to return from root to user. Let’s look at them more closely.

3.1. Enhanced Security

By using a regular user account for everyday tasks, we can reduce the risk of accidentally making system-wide changes that could lead to instability or data loss.

3.2. Audit Trail

Using user accounts provides an audit trail of who performed specific actions on the system. This is crucial for tracking changes and maintaining accountability.

3.3. Limited Scope

Regular user accounts are restricted in their privileges, preventing them from modifying critical system files or configurations unintentionally. Returning away from root access ensures that modifications are made within a controlled and safe environment.

3.4. Least Privilege Principle

Returning from root to user login aligns with the principle of least privilege, where users are only granted the minimum permissions necessary to perform their tasks.

4. Returning From Root to User Accounts

Logging in as the root user grants us complete control over the system. However, once our administrative tasks are complete, it’s crucial to revert to a regular user to minimize the risk of accidental or unauthorized changes.

Let’s see how we can return from a root login to a user login in the Linux shell.

4.1. Using su

In some cases, we might need to switch from the root account to a specific user account without exiting the terminal session.

For instance, to switch to a user from the root account, we use the su (switch user) command followed by the username of the user account to which we wish to switch to:

# su username

We can replace the username with the actual username of the desired user account.

4.2. Using exit

Similarly, if we’re already logged into the root account through a command-line interface (CLI) or a remote SSH session, we can use the exit command to return to our regular user account.

Let’s type exit at the command prompt and press Enter:

# exit

This exit command terminates the root session and takes us back to the user account we were previously logged in as.

Alternatively, we can also return from root to user accounts using the shortcut method, i.e., CTRL+D.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we explored the use of root and user accounts and returning from root login to user login within the shell environment in Linux.

By utilizing commands like su and exit, we can return from root to user accounts, striking a balance between administrative tasks and system safety. Ultimately, practicing responsible account management contributes to a stable and secure Linux environment.