1. Overview

When working with shell scripts, it is essential to manage subshells properly. Exiting a shell script from within a subshell requires careful management to achieve a smooth termination without disrupting the flow of the parent script.

In this tutorial, we’ll outline and discuss how to exit a shell script from a subshell.

2. Using exit Command

The exit command plays a pivotal role in terminating shell scripts or subshells. However, when invoked within a subshell, it exits only from that particular subshell, not the parent script:


echo "Parent script starts"

  # Subshell
  echo "Subshell starts"
  exit 1
  echo "This won't be executed"

echo "Back to parent script"

Here, this script demonstrates the behavior of the exit command within a subshell. Despite the exit 1 command in the subshell, it only terminates the subshell’s execution. The subsequent echo statement does not run because the subshell has already exited.

Parent script starts
Subshell starts
Back to parent script

In this output, the subshell’s exit 1 command ends only the subshell; the parent script can carry on executing. As a result, the echo statement runs. However, the parent script continues its execution after the subshell, proving that the exit command within the subshell did not stop the parent script.

3. Using kill Command

To terminate the parent script from within a subshell, we can use the kill command together with the parent script’s process ID (PID). By identifying the subshell’s PID, you can use the kill command to end it explicitly:


echo "Parent script starts"

  # Subshell
  echo "Subshell starts"
  kill -9 $PPID
  echo "This won't be executed"

echo "Back to parent script"

Here, the $PPID variable is employed within the subshell to identify the Process ID of the parent script. The kill -9 $PPID command effectively terminates the parent script from within the subshell.

Parent script starts
Subshell starts

In this output, the parent script is abruptly terminated using the kill -9 $PPID command. Any further commands in the subshell are not executed, nor is the following echo statement. Consequently, commands in the subshell are not executed, and due to the explicit termination via the kill command, the parent script stops abruptly after the subshell’s execution.

4. Using trap Command

The trap command in shell scripting is utilized to capture and process signals. It allows subshells to handle signals effectively and perform necessary cleanup activities before quitting.


# Function to exit parent script
exit_parent() {
  echo "Exiting parent script gracefully"
  exit 1

# Parent script
echo "Parent script starts"

  # Subshell
  echo "Subshell starts"
  trap exit_parent EXIT
  echo "This is executed"
  # Perform tasks

echo "Back to parent script"

Here, the subshell’s trap command hooks onto the EXIT signal and executes the exit_parent function, thereby terminating the parent script when the subshell exits.

Parent script starts
Subshell starts
This is executed
Exiting parent script gracefully

Here, the trap exit_parent EXIT command in the subshell executes the exit_parent function upon exit, thereby terminating the parent script.

5. Using source Command

The source command executes a script within the current shell environment instead of starting a subshell. It provides a way to run commands in the same shell context, allowing for direct modification of the parent script’s environment.


echo "Parent script starts"

# Source a script within the parent script context
source ./modify_env_variables.sh

# Continue parent script execution with updated environment variables
echo "Back to parent script"

In this code block, we utilize the source command to execute modify_env_variables.sh within the current shell environment.

Parent script starts
[Output of modify_env_variables.sh]
Back to parent script

In this output, the source command executes modify_env_variables.sh in the current shell environment, allowing us to edit variables or the environment directly in the parent script. Additionally, it allows changing variables or executing commands in a script without creating a subshell, modifying its behavior.

6. Using Parent Script Control

Monitoring the flow of the parent script based on the outputs of subshells becomes essential in advanced shell script architectures. The use of conditional statements (if, else, else if) based on the return values of subshell operations provides effective control over the script’s execution route.


# Parent script starts
echo "Parent script starts"

# Execute a subshell command and capture its return status

# Check the return status and modify the parent script's behavior
if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Subshell operation succeeded"
    # Perform actions based on successful subshell operation
    echo "Subshell operation failed"
    # Handle failure scenarios or take alternative actions

# Continue parent script execution based on subshell output
echo "Back to parent script"

Here, the parent script executes a subshell command and records its return status. Thereafter, it checks the return status with an if statement.

Parent script starts
Subshell operation succeeded
Back to parent script

In this output, the script runs a subshell command, logs the return status, and then utilizes conditional statements to change its behavior dependent on the outcome, thereby exhibiting the parent script’s controlled execution flow that depends on the output of the subshell.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we discussed various methods used to exit a shell script from a subshell. These methods includes using the exit command, the kill command to terminate the parent script, employing trap signals for clean exits, utilizing the source command for executing scripts in the same shell context, and controlling the parent script’s flow based on subshell output.

Understanding how to exit shell scripts from subshells is essential for efficient script administration and control. Mastering these techniques enables smoother subshell management and ensures a controlled termination process in shell scripting.