1. Overview

An application can divide tasks into smaller units that can be executed by child processes to aid in getting the final result. Portioning tasks into these smaller bits improves the performance of a system. In Linux, we utilize the fork system call to create child processes. These child processes run concurrently with the parent and reduce execution time.

In this tutorial, we’ll see some reasons why it’s important to use the fork system call to create a child process.

2. Creating and Controlling Child Processes

Forking creates new processes by duplicating existing ones. The child process created inherits the memory resources and attributes of its parents. 

The parent process monitors the child process and it keeps itself aware of the status of the child process. It uses waitpid to determine the status of the child process. Based on the return value from the fork system call, the parent process interacts with the child process.

The fork system call forms the basis for setting process hierarchies, managing resources, and enabling coordination and control flow in Linux systems.

3. Memory Management Through Copy-On-Write (COW)

The parent and child processes share memory pages. These memory pages are read-only and can’t be modified by either process. Memory pages include code segments, read-only data, and shared libraries or resources.

Copy-on-write memory pages mark the child’s process memory as different from the parent’s. The copy-on-write mechanism optimizes memory management. It allows parent and child processes to share the same memory pages until one tries to modify that shared memory. Rather than re-copying the entire page, the operating system creates a copy that can be changed without changing the original. Other processes continue to refer to the original shared page.

The COW mechanism provides several advantages:

  • It minimizes memory consumption during process creation, allowing more efficient use of system resources. Thus, it enhances performance by reducing memory copying time.
  • It improves system stability by isolating memory modifications, preventing one process from affecting another.
  • Each process maintains its own memory space as it continues to run. One process’s modifications don’t affect the memory of other processes.

Importantly, if the processes can’t perform memory modification due to inadequate system resources or other exceptions, the operating system will create an entire copy of the memory page. As a result, memory modifications can still be accommodated, but with increased memory utilization.

The fork system call elevates the copy-on-write mechanism to optimize memory usage and performance during process creation. By sharing memory pages between parent and child processes and creating private copies only when modifications occur, COW minimizes duplication and improves system efficiency and stability.

Memory isolation ensures data integrity and prevents unanticipated side effects.

4. Interprocess Communication (IPC)

Upon creating a child process, the fork system call establishes an interprocess communication link between the parent and child. The child process establishes a hierarchical relationship with the parent process.

The link established through forking enables communication directly between the processes. The parent can pass information to the child process using command-line arguments or environment variables during process execution. The child can also inherit open file descriptors from the parent, allowing them to communicate through shared files or sockets.

Forking allows the use of various IPC mechanisms to facilitate communication between processes. Let’s look at some of the commonly used IPC mechanisms.

The parent and child processes can communicate by writing data to one end of a pipe and reading it from the other. The parent process must create a pipe before forking the child process.

As a result of shared memory, multiple processes can access the same region of memory simultaneously. Parents and children can read and write data to a shared memory area by allocating shared memory before forking.

Forking allows the parent process to send signals to the child process and vice versa, providing event-driven interprocess communication.

Message queues allow asynchronous communication between processes. By creating a message queue before forking, processes can send and receive messages through the queue, allowing for reliable and orderly communication.

Forking facilitates coordination and synchronization between processes. For example, a parent process can fork multiple child processes to parallelize tasks, and through IPC mechanisms, it can assign specific workloads to each child process. Through primitives like wait, waitpid, or semaphores, the parent can wait for the child to complete their tasks or collect their results.

Additionally, forking introduces process groups and session identifiers. For the parent process to communicate and control related processes, a new process group and session ID can be created when the fork system call is issued. This grouping allows signaling, terminal management, and other interprocess communication and control within the process group or session.

The parent-child relationship enables the utilization of various IPC mechanisms such as pipes, shared memory, signals, and message queues. The parent and child processes can communicate directly, share resources like file descriptors, and coordinate their actions, facilitating efficient interprocess communication and collaboration.

5. Parallel Execution and Multithreading

Forking enables multiple processes to run simultaneously, enabling parallel processing. As a result, multiple processes execute tasks simultaneously. The child processes inherit their parent processes’ code, data, and resources when they fork.

Parallel execution significantly boosts overall performance and reduces execution time by dividing complex computations among multiple processes. Each process can focus on a specific part of the workload using CPU cores and system resources.

The parent process can distribute workloads among several child processes based on a predefined strategy. As a result, it maximizes resource utilization and minimizes execution time.

Additionally, forking enables multithreading. In a multi-threaded environment, a process can create multiple execution threads, each with a stack of its own but sharing the same memory space. After forking, the parent process can create additional threads, expanding its execution capacities. These threads can run concurrently and perform different tasks simultaneously, enhancing process efficiency and responsiveness.

Processes created by fork utilize parallel execution (multiple processes) and multithreading (various threads within a process). Complex tasks are divided efficiently and executed in a highly parallelized manner. This fully utilizes hardware resources. For example, to achieve higher performance, the parent process can create multiple child processes with numerous threads, creating a hierarchical parallel and threaded execution model.

With proper coordination and communication mechanisms, parallel execution and multithreading can significantly improve performance and resource utilization in Linux systems.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve looked at the reasons fork is used to create processes. Apart from process creation, forking also enables proper resource utilization, process hierarchy establishment, communication between processes, parallel execution, multithreading, and control flow.

As a result of forking, Linux systems are able to achieve efficient multitasking, resource isolation, improved performance, and enhanced system stability. Users, developers, and administrators striving to maximize Linux systems’ potential must understand and use fork.