1. Overview

locate and find are two common tools used for searching files and directories on Linux-based systems. While both serve similar purposes, there are key differences that make locate significantly faster than find in certain scenarios.

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the technical aspects contributing to this speed difference. We’ll also understand the mechanics behind their performance.

2. Index-Based Searching vs. Recursive Searching

The fundamental difference between locate and find lies in their search methodologies.

locate utilizes a pre-built index database, which is a snapshot of the file system, generated periodically (usually daily) by the updatedb command. This index enables locate to quickly locate files by efficiently scanning through the database rather than recursively searching the entire file system.

When we perform a fresh installation of Ubuntu, it comes with a default configuration found in the /etc/updatedb.conf file:

PRUNEPATHS="/tmp /var/spool /media /var/lib/os-prober /var/lib/ceph /home/.ecryptfs /var/lib/schroot"
PRUNEFS="NFS afs autofs binfmt_misc ceph cgroup cgroup2 cifs coda configfs curlftpfs debugfs devfs devpts devtmpfs ecryptfs ftpfs fuse.ceph fuse.cryfs fuse.encfs fuse.glusterfs fuse.gvfsd-fuse fuse.mfs fuse.rozofs fuse.sshfs fusectl fusesmb hugetlbfs iso9660 lustre lustre_lite mfs mqueue ncpfs nfs nfs4 ocfs ocfs2 proc pstore rpc_pipefs securityfs shfs smbfs sysfs tmpfs tracefs udev udf usbfs"

This configuration ensures that everything is indexed for easy searchability, except for specific directories that are excluded for obvious reasons. Additionally, it accommodates various file system types for comprehensive indexing.

Let’s imagine the file system as a vast library with thousands of books (files). find would go through each bookshelf (directory) one by one, meticulously checking every book to find the one it’s looking for. On the other hand, locate refers to a well-organized index catalog, where it can instantly look up the book’s location based on its title (filename).

3. System Resource Utilization

Due to its reliance on an index, locate minimizes system resource consumption.

When we use locate,* the tool only needs to access the database, which is much faster and less resource-intensive compared to the process of *find. Conversely, find executes a new search each time it’s invoked, resulting in a more considerable load on the system’s CPU, disk, and memory.

Let’s imagine locate as a skilled librarian who already knows where each book is located and can immediately point us in the right direction. Conversely, find acts like an explorer, tirelessly traversing the entire library, checking each book’s title until the book is found.

4. Scanning Depth and Performance

Another contributing factor to the speed difference is the scanning depth.

find performs a deep search, starting from the specified directory and recursively traversing all sub-directories. This thorough exploration can be time-consuming, especially in large and complex file systems.

Conversely, locate provides a shallow search, mainly focusing on the index database. This is faster for finding files located closer to the root of the file system.

Let’s imagine we’re looking for a specific book in the library. find would methodically search through every shelf and sub-shelf. In contrast, locate would quickly check the index, guiding us to the section where the book is likely to be found.

5. Real-Time vs. Periodic Updates

While locate excels in speed, it has a limitation: the index database might not always be up-to-date. Since the database is generated periodically (usually daily), newly created or recently modified files may not appear in the search results immediately. In contrast, find provides real-time results, always reflecting the current state of the file system.

We can think of locate as an old catalog in a library, containing records of books up to a certain date. find, on the other hand, is like a librarian who is always aware of the latest additions and changes in the collection.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we saw that both locate and find are powerful tools for searching files and directories, but they use different approaches.

locate leverages an index-based search system that allows for lightning-fast file retrieval, making it ideal for scenarios where speed is a priority but it may lack real-time accuracy. On the other hand, find performs a more exhaustive search, providing real-time results but requiring more time and system resources to complete.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each tool empowers us to choose the most suitable option for our specific needs. It also helps strike a balance between speed and real-time accuracy while searching for files on Linux-based systems.