1. Introduction

Regular expressions or regexes are a powerful tool for pattern matching in text data. Bash, being a command-line shell and programming language, has built-in support for regexes through its pattern-matching operators.

In Bash, people often use regexes in if statements to check whether a pattern matches a string. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to use a regex in an if clause in Bash.

2. Using a Regex Inside an if Clause

In Bash, we can use the =~ operator to match a string against a regex pattern:

if [[ "$string" =~ regex_pattern ]]; then
  # code block to execute if string matches regex pattern
  # code block to execute if string does not match regex pattern

*The code tests a string variable named $string against a regex pattern called regex_pattern. The if statement is enclosed in double square brackets [[ ]], and the =~ operator checks if the string matches the regex pattern.*

Let’s take a look at a simple example to understand this better. Suppose we have a variable called filename containing the name of a file, and we want to check if it has the .txt extension.

We can use the =~ operator to match the filename against the regex pattern .txt$. The dollar sign ($) at the end of the pattern is used to anchor the pattern to the end of the string, ensuring that it matches only if the string ends with .txt:


if [[ "$filename" =~ \.txt$ ]]; then
  echo "Filename has a .txt extension"
  echo "Filename does not have a .txt extension"

In the above example, the if statement tests if the variable filename matches the regex pattern .txt$. Since the filename contains .txt at the end, the condition evaluates to true, and the output is Filename has a .txt extension.

3. Using a Negated Regex

Sometimes, we may want to check if a string does not match a particular pattern. In such cases, we can use the negation operator (!) before the =~ operator:

string="Hello, world!"

if ! [[ "$string" =~ [0-9] ]]; then
  echo "String does not contain any digits"
  echo "String contains at least one digit"

In the above example, the if statement tests if the variable string does not match the regex pattern [0-9], which matches any digit. Since the string does not contain any digits, the condition evaluates to true, and the output is String does not contain any digits.

4. Using Regex with Variables

We can also use variables containing regex patterns in if statements:


if [[ "hello" =~ $pattern ]]; then
  echo "String matches the regex pattern"
  echo "String does not match the regex pattern"

5. Conclusion

Bash’s if clause can match text patterns with regex using =~ and double square brackets [[ ]]. Negated regexes can also be used to check for non-matching patterns. Regex patterns can be stored in variables for use in if statements. Furthermore, these features make regex a powerful tool for pattern matching in Bash.

In summary, regexes can greatly enhance the functionality of Bash scripts and command-line tools. By using them inside if clauses, we can create more powerful and flexible programs that can handle various text data.