1. Introduction

The snmpwalk command is essential for gathering data from SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agents regarding network administration. It helps administrators monitor and fix network devices by enabling the retrieval and examination of a wide array of data. When we get deeper into the details of this command, it’s vital to understand the timeout configuration of snmpwalk.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the basics of the snmpwalk command. Then, we’ll explore the significance of setting timeouts for snmpwalk and understand how this parameter influences the efficiency and reliability of SNMP queries.

We tested the commands and code on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Bash 5.0.17, and unless mentioned otherwise, they should work well in most POSIX-compliant environments.

2. Understanding snmpwalk

SNMP is a commonly used technology for controlling and monitoring network devices. snmpwalk enables administrators to navigate the hierarchical structure of an SNMP agent’s Management Information Base (MIB).

The MIB organizes data using a tree-like structure, where each node represents a distinct feature or characteristic of the device, such as system details, network interfaces, or hardware specs. snmpwalk provides a thorough snapshot of the device’s configuration and state, which allows us to examine this MIB tree carefully.

The snmpwalk plays a critical role in network management for real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, and performance improvement. Using the snmpwalk command, administrators can quickly obtain data from many devices on the network regarding various characteristics.

This includes resource use, network interface data, and device health information. snmpwalk is particularly valuable for identifying potential issues, tracking changes in device states, and ensuring the network’s overall stability and security.

Its ability to retrieve a wealth of data makes snmpwalk an indispensable tool for network administrators seeking a comprehensive understanding of the devices under their management.

3. Installing snmpwalk

We can use apt install to install the SNMP package on the system. We’ll need to use sudo to secure superuser permissions when executing it:

$ sudo apt install snmp -y
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 58 not upgraded.
Need to get 176 kB of archives.
After this operation, 701 kB of additional disk space will be used.
... output truncated ...
Preparing to unpack .../snmp_5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking snmp (5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.6) ...
Setting up snmp (5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.6) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.10.2-1) ...

The -y option automates affirmative responses to any prompts, thereby expediting and simplifying the overall installation procedure.

Once the installation is complete, we can verify the installation by checking its version:

$ snmpwalk -V
NET-SNMP version: 5.9.1

4. Using snmpwalk

Let’s use snmpwalk to collect data from a device at IP address This command uses SNMP version 2c and the community string public for access to more easily retrieve and display the SNMP-capable device’s data:

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
iso. = STRING: "Palo Alto Networks PA-800 series firewall"
iso. = OID: iso.
iso. = Timeticks: (196260522) 22 days, 17:10:05.22
iso. = STRING: "Not Set"
iso. = STRING: "BNH"
iso. = Timeticks: (1) 0:00:00.01
iso. = INTEGER: 28
iso. = INTEGER: 1
... output truncated ...

Using the SNMP protocol, the snmpwalk output offers details on a network device. The device is identified as a Palo Alto Networks PA-800 series firewall in the first line. The device’s unique identity is displayed on the second line within the SNMP hierarchy. According to the third line, the device has been operating for around 22 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes, and 5.22 seconds. This is a snapshot of the network device’s essential information obtained via SNMP.

The Object Identifier (OID) iso. is associated with the sysName variable, which usually holds the hostname or name of the device. To specifically query this OID on the SNMP-enabled device, let’s run the snmpwalk again, this time adding the OID as the last parameter:

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.

Essentially, this command uses SNMP version 2c and the provided community string to retrieve the device’s name or hostname by extracting and displaying information about the sysName variable.

5. Challenges in snmpwalk Execution

While snmpwalk is a powerful tool for network management, it faces several challenges:

  • Network Latency: Delays in network communication can impact snmpwalk, leading to timeouts or slow responses. High latency can hinder the timely retrieval of information from devices.
  • Device Unresponsiveness: Some devices may not respond promptly or consistently to SNMP queries. This can result from various factors, including device configuration issues or resource constraints.
  • Large Network Scale: In environments with many devices, the sheer scale can pose challenges. snmpwalk may encounter resource limitations or scalability issues when dealing with extensive networks.
  • MIB Complexity: The complexity of Management Information Bases (MIBs) can be a challenge. Understanding and navigating intricate MIB structures is essential for accurate data retrieval during snmpwalk.

From network latency to device unresponsiveness and the intricacies of MIB structures, understanding and navigating these hurdles is crucial for efficient SNMP operations.

6. Importance of Configuring Timeout Values

We can configure timeout values for the snmpwalk command by specifying the duration the command should wait for a response from SNMP-enabled devices.

The snmpwalk command typically has a -t or –timeout option for setting the timeout value.

Assess the network environment and devices to determine a suitable timeout value. This depends on factors such as network latency and the responsiveness of SNMP-enabled devices.

Now, let’s include the timeout option in the snmpwalk command:

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public -t 5 iso.

Here, -t 5 sets the timeout to 5 seconds. Adjust this value based on the network conditions.

If the timeout is too short, we may not receive complete information. Conversely, if it’s too long, it might result in delays.

Fine-tune the timeout value iteratively based on the feedback. Repeat the snmpwalk command with adjusted timeout values until we find the optimal setting for the environment.

To further enhance reliability, we can use the -r or –retries option to specify the number of retries in case of a timeout:

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public -t 5 -r 3 iso.

Here, -r 3 sets the number of retries to 3.

By following these steps, we can set appropriate timeout values for the snmpwalk command, ensuring efficient and reliable SNMP operations in the network. Adjust these values as needed to accommodate changes in the network environment.

7. snmpwalk Timeout Examples in Different Tools

Also, let’s see how the snmpwalk timeout configuration varies depending on the SNMP tool. Here are some examples of utilizing various tools, such as Bash and Python.

7.1. Using BASH Script

First, let’s look into the snmpwalk execution using a simple Bash script:


# To get the snmpwalk parameters 

# snmpwalk command with timeout configuration
snmpwalk -v 2c -c "$community" -t "$timeout" -r "$retries" "$target" "$oid"

Thus, we have five variables in this script that help us to get the data from the network devices:

  • $community: Represents the SNMP community string
  • $target: Specifies the IP address of the SNMP-enabled device
  • $oid: Defines the Object Identifier for SNMP walk — in this case, it’s for the sysName
  • $timeout: Sets the timeout duration
  • $retries: Specifies the number of retries in case of timeout

Further, we can customize the values of these variables based on the network conditions and requirements.

Next, save the script to a file and make it executable using chmod command:

$ chmod +x snmpwalk_monitor.sh

Then, run the script using ./snmpwalk_monitor.sh or bash snmpwalk_monitor.sh to perform the snmpwalk with ip address, timeout and retry values as the arguments:

$ ./snmpwalk_monitor.sh 5 3

As expected, we can successfully retrieve the device’s name or hostname by extracting and displaying information about the sysName variable. Here, the first argument,, is assigned to the $target variable. Subsequently, the second argument for the $timeout variable is set to 5 seconds, and $retries is set to 3 seconds.

7.2. Using Python Script

Next, PySNMP is a Python package that makes SNMP communication easier. It provides an extensive framework for SNMP operations in Python programs and allows developers to design SNMP administrators and agents:

import sys
from pysnmp.hlapi import *

# Set the SNMP parameters
target_ip = sys.argv[1]
community_string = 'public'
oid_to_query = ''
timeout_value = sys.argv[2]
retry_count = sys.argv[3]

# Perform SNMP walk with timeout and retry
error, status, _, result = getCmd(
    UdpTransportTarget((target_ip, 161)),

# Display result or error
if error or status:
    print(f"Error: {error or status}")
    print(f"{result[0]} = {result[1]}")

In this Python script using PySNMP, let’s keep the timeout as 5 seconds, and retries to 3.

Now, let’s execute the get_snmp_walk_info.py using the python interpreter:

$ python get_snmp_walk_info.py 5 3

The script provides the name of the respective device TCG-DC-FW-INTERNET and its related OID.

8. Best Practices for Timeout Settings

Setting timeout values for snmpwalk requires a thoughtful approach to balance responsiveness and efficiency. Understanding network conditions is crucial. For networks with low latency, shorter timeouts of around 5 seconds may suffice.

Starting with conservative values prevents unnecessary delays. Consider the characteristics of SNMP-enabled devices, as some may require more time to process requests, especially in larger networks. Iterative testing with different timeout values helps identify the optimal setting, ensuring completion time and reliability are maintained.

Using retries, through options like -r or –retries, can enhance the chances of successful SNMP operations in case of timeouts. Balancing responsiveness and efficiency is key. Excessively short timeouts may lead to incomplete data retrieval, while excessively long timeouts introduce unnecessary delays.

Documenting finalized timeout settings, including retry values, ensures consistency and aids troubleshooting in the future.

Finally, regular monitoring and adjustments are essential, especially after network changes or additions of new devices.

Following these best practices optimizes snmpwalk performance for efficient network management operations.

9. Conclusion

In this article, we learned that configuring snmpwalk timeout settings is vital for efficient network monitoring. Achieving a delicate balance between responsiveness and efficiency ensures timely data retrieval without unnecessary delays.

Understanding network and device characteristics allows administrators to fine-tune timeouts for optimal snmpwalk performance. Iterative testing, starting conservatively, and using retries when needed contribute to a robust configuration.

Overall, thoughtful timeout settings in snmpwalk streamline network monitoring, empowering administrators to manage their infrastructure effectively.