1. Introduction

Unix-based operating systems widely use Vi as a popular text editor since the early days of Unix. Programmers and system administrators still favor it. Vi’s ability to handle non-ASCII characters, including those that cannot be easily typed using a standard keyboard, makes it a powerful text editor.

In this article, we’ll explore how to enter non-ASCII characters in Vi using hex or octal codes.

2. Understanding ASCII and Non-ASCII Characters

Before we dive into the details of entering non-ASCII characters in vi, let’s take a moment to understand what ASCII and non-ASCII characters are.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It’s a character encoding standard that assigns a unique numerical value to each letter, digit, and symbol that can be represented on a computer. ASCII characters are those that fall within the range of 0-127. These characters can be easily typed using a standard keyboard.

Non-ASCII characters, on the other hand, are those that fall outside the range of 0-127. They include characters from other languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Russian, as well as special symbols and characters with diacritical marks. These characters cannot be easily typed using a standard keyboard and require special encoding techniques to represent them on a computer.

3. Entering Non-ASCII Characters Using Hex Codes

To enter non-ASCII characters in vi using hex codes, we first need to know the hexadecimal value of the character we want to enter. We can find this value using a tool such as the Unicode Character Table or by looking up the character in a reference book.

Once we have the hex value, we can enter it in vi using the following syntax:

CTRL-V x [hex value]

For example, to enter the non-ASCII character “é” (e with acute accent), which has a hex value of E9, we would type the following in vi:


This would insert the “é” character into the document.

4. Entering Non-ASCII Characters Using Octal Codes

In addition to hex codes, we can also enter non-ASCII characters in vi using octal codes. Octal codes represent characters using their numerical values in base 8. To find the octal value of a character, we can use a tool such as the ASCII Table or look up the character in a reference book.

To enter a non-ASCII character using octal codes, we use the following syntax:

CTRL-V [octal value]

For example, to enter the non-ASCII character “ñ” (n with a tilde), which has an octal value of 361, we would type the following in vi:

CTRL-V 361

This would insert the “ñ” character into the document.

5. Using a Compose Key

Another way to enter non-ASCII characters in vi is to use a compose key. A compose key is a special key that combines multiple keystrokes into a single character. This can be a useful technique for entering non-ASCII characters that do not have a corresponding hex or octal code.

To use a compose key, we first need to enable it in our system settings. The exact steps will depend on our operating system and desktop environment. Once the compose key is enabled, we can use it in vi by typing:

Compose [combination of keystrokes] [character]

For example, to enter the non-ASCII character “ä” (a with an umlaut), we could use the following combination of keystrokes:

Compose " a

This would insert the “ä” character into the document.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explored how to enter non-ASCII characters in vi using hex or octal codes. These techniques can be especially useful for programmers and system administrators who work with non-ASCII characters regularly.

When using hex or octal codes, it’s important to ensure that the correct codes are used for the desired character. Using incorrect codes can result in unexpected characters or errors in the document.

Some modern text editors and IDEs may offer more user-friendly ways to enter non-ASCII characters, such as a special character palette or keyboard shortcuts. However, vi remains a powerful tool for those who prefer a more minimalistic approach to text editing.

Knowing how to enter non-ASCII characters in vi using hex or octal codes can be a valuable skill for anyone who works with non-English languages or special characters regularly. Using these techniques, we can expand our ability to work with various characters and symbols and improve our productivity.