1. Overview
Many programs and services need their configuration to be written down in a structured way. One of the ways to achieve this goal is using YAML files.
In the Bash shell, we need tools to deal with YAML content from the command line or script.
In this tutorial, we’re going to learn about the yq utility.
2. yq Basics
The yq command is usually not a part of standard Linux distribution, so we need to install it manually. Then, let’s go through the command’s basics.
2.1. Version Check
First, let’s check the version:
$ yq -V #or --version
yq (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/) version 4.24.2
We should be aware that two widely used implementations of yq exist. This used throughout the tutorial is known as the ‘Go implementation’, while the second one is based on Python. Both have very similar capabilities but differ slightly in syntax.
For more details, we should visit the project’s documentation page.
2.2. The Default Working Mode
Let’s notice that the default yq mode is eval, which allows reading, searching, and editing YAML files. So, let’s print the whole content of the file personal_data.yaml:
$ yq personal_data.yaml
name: "My name"
surname: "Foo"
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
3. Accessing Properties
We should use the path in the YAML file to retrieve the property’s value. First, let’s print the name property in personal_data.yaml:
$ yq '.name' personal_data.yaml
My name
Next, the brackets [] provide all values from the structure street_address:
$ yq '.street_address[]' personal_data.yaml
My city
My street
3.1. Searching for Value
We can use the select operator to find a particular value. So let’s look for ‘Foo’ in the YAML file:
$ yq '.[] | select(. == "Foo")' personal_data.yaml
**Let’s notice the use of the pipe operator | to pass the root node’s values to the select operator.
Now let’s find all values which start with ‘My’ in the street_address node. So, we apply the wildcard ‘*’:
$ yq '.street_address[] | select(. == "My*")' personal_data.yaml
My city
My street
3.2. Recursive Search
With the double dot .. operator, we can recursively traverse the document, starting from the given node. Thus, let’s find all values starting with ‘My’:
$ yq '.. | select(. == "My*")' personal_data.yaml
My name
My city
My street
Next, let’s narrow our search only to the street_address node’s children
$ yq '.street_address | .. | select(. == "My*") ' personal_data.yaml
My city
My street
3.3. Changing Values
We can change or update properties using the assign operator ‘=’. Then, let’s change the street number:
$ yq '.street_address.number = 256' personal_data.yaml
name: "My name"
surname: "Foo"
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 256
The result shows up in the standard output only. Thus, we need to use the i option to modify the file in place.
4. Working With the Nodes of YAML
We can query and modify the YAML structure as well. Hence, we can add, delete and find nodes.
4.1. Adding and Deleting Nodes
Let’s create a new property zip_code in the street_address by simply adding it to the path:
$ yq -i '.street_address.zip_code = 16' personal_data.yaml && cat personal_data.yaml
name: "My name"
surname: "Bar"
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
zip_code: 16
Next, in a similarly simple way, let’s remove the node with the del operator:
$ yq -i 'del(.street_address.zip_code)' personal_data.yaml && cat personal_data.yaml
name: "My name"
surname: "Bar"
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
4.2. Retrieving Nodes’ Names
The to_entries operator returns keys together with their values. Then, let’s use it on the root level:
$ yq 'to_entries' personal_data.yaml
- key: name
value: "My name"
- key: surname
value: "Foo"
- key: street_address
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
The results are provided as array elements. Further, we can extract the keys:
$ yq 'to_entries | .[] | .key' personal_data.yaml
and values:
$ yq 'to_entries | .[] | .value' personal_data.yaml
My name
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
4.3. Searching for Nodes With has
Let’s try to find Bash entry in the language data file languages.yaml:
$ yq languages.yaml
- language:
name: Bash the Bourne-Again shell
feature: interpreted
- language:
name: C++
feature: compiled, comes together with Bash well
- language:
name: Java
feauture: compiled and interpreted, different from Bash and C++
Obviously, we should not search file-wide for a pattern like *Bash*, because we’d obtain Java and C++ data as well. Thus, we’re going to search only the name nodes:
$ yq '.. | select(has("name")) | select(.name == "*Bash*")' languages.yaml
name: Bash
feature: interpreted
Let’s notice the use of operator has. It returns true for matching nodes. Further, the search is refined by the next select, which checks the node’s content.
5. Working With Multiple Files
yq can work with multiple files, which are provided as arguments. Moreover, we can index these files and refer to them.
As an example, let’s amend languages.yaml with languages’ versions from versions.yaml file:
$ yq versions.yaml
Java: openjdk 2022-02-08
C++: gcc (GCC) 11.2.1 20220127 (Red Hat 11.2.1-9)
Bash: GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
We need to turn into the eval-all mode to read both files into memory:
$ yq eval-all '
select(fi == 0) as $versions |
select(fi == 1) |
.languages[0].language.version = $versions.Bash|
.languages[1].language.version = $versions.C++ |
.languages[2].language.version = $versions.Java
' versions.yaml languages.yaml
- language:
name: Bash the Bourne-Again shell
feature: interpreted
version: GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
- language:
name: C++
feature: compiled, comes together with Bash well
version: gcc (GCC) 11.2.1 20220127 (Red Hat 11.2.1-9)
- language:
name: Java
feature: compiled and interpreted, different from Bash and C++
version: openjdk 2022-02-08
Let’s highlight the use of file index fi to select the appropriate file. Further, with as $versions, we defined a variable with the first YAML content. In addition, to add the version node, we referred to the languages array elements by index.
6. Interaction With a Bash Script
When programming in Bash, we need to use the language’s constructs to access the YAML structure.
6.1. Injecting Bash Variables Into a YAML File
Let’s update the configuration in the YAML file with the bash variables. Hence, we’re going to use the env operator. An example, let’s create YAML content with the hostname:
$ yq --null-input '.hostname = env(HOSTNAME)'
hostname: fedora35
Let’s notice the null-input switch, which tells the command to create the YAML content without an input file.
6.2. Variable’s Value as a Search Target
Now let’s search the YAML content for a value or node matching the variable’s value. So first, let’s find the ‘Foo’ value in personal_data.yaml:
$ targetVal=Foo yq '.[] | select(. == env(targetVal))' personal_data.yaml
Next, let’s use the variable as a lookup key to the keys’ table:
$ targetKey=name yq ' .[env(targetKey)] ' personal_data.yaml
My name
Finally, let’s search for a node that contains the city key with has:
$ targetKey=city yq '.. | select(has(env(targetKey)))' personal_data.yaml
city: "My city"
street: "My street"
number: 1
6.3. Variable Substitution With envsubst
Let’s consider a simple YAML template to collect basic system information:
$ yq system_data.yaml
hostname: ${HOSTNAME}
user: ${USER}
shell: ${SHELL}
Now we’re going to replace all ${} placeholders with actual values. Thus, we should use envsubst inside yq:
$ yq '.[] |= envsubst' system_data.yaml
hostname: fedora35
user: joe
shell: /bin/bash
6.4. Reading YAML Content Into an Array
Now let’s access YAML inside the script. Hence, we’re going to use an associative array, where the node’s name is a key. So, let’s import the street_address from personal_data.yaml with the yaml_reader script:
declare -A content
while IFS="=" read -r key value; do content["$key"]=$value; done < <(
yq '.street_address | to_entries | map([.key, .value] | join("=")) | .[]' personal_data.yaml
for key in "${!content[@]}"; do printf "key %s, value %s\n" "$key" "${content[$key]}"; done
We used the while IFS loop to fill the array. Furthermore, the to_entries results fed the map operator to concatenate each key-value pair with the join operator to the IFS format.
Now let’s check the results:
$ ./yaml_reader
key city, value My city
key number, value 1
key street, value My street
7. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we learned about the yq command. First, we went through its basics. Then, we focused on searching and modifying the properties in the YAML file. Next, we studied the example of multifile operation.
*Meanwhile, we highlighted the importance of chaining the yq‘s operator to effectively achieve our goals.* It’s especially useful as the command offers a wide choice of operators.
Finally, we looked through ways to interact between the bash script and the YAML content.