1. Overview

Managing memory efficiently is crucial for maintaining optimal performance, especially under heavy workloads or on systems with limited physical RAM. When the system runs out of RAM, it resorts to a mechanism known as swapping, where data is moved from RAM to a designated space on the disk to free up memory for active processes.

While swapping helps prevent system crashes due to memory exhaustion, it can significantly slow down performance due to the relatively slow speed of disk access compared to RAM.

Several advanced technologies like zram, zswap, and zcache have been developed to address the performance bottlenecks associated with traditional swapping. Each of these technologies introduces innovative ways to manage swap data, leveraging compression and memory caching to enhance performance and reduce the wear on physical storage devices.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how each technology works, their respective benefits and drawbacks, and the scenarios in which they’re most effective.

2. Understanding Swapping and Performance

Swapping is a memory management technique operating systems use to handle situations where the physical RAM is fully utilized. In the following sections, let’s go over the basics of swapping and its performance impact.

2.1. How Swapping Works

When the available RAM is exhausted, the system moves inactive data from the RAM to a designated area on the disk known as the swap space. This swap space can be a dedicated swap partition or a swap file within the file system.

Here’s a brief overview of how swapping works:

  1. Memory allocation: When applications and processes request more memory than is available in the physical RAM, the operating system must free up space to accommodate these requests.
  2. Swapping out: The operating system identifies less frequently used or idle pages of memory and transfers them from the RAM to the swap space on the disk.
  3. Swapping in: When the swapped-out data is needed again, it is read back into the RAM from the swap space.

The primary purpose of swapping is to ensure that the system continues to operate smoothly even when the RAM is fully utilized, preventing crashes and maintaining the ability to run additional applications.

2.2. Performance Impact of Swapping

While swapping helps maintain system functionality when RAM reaches capacity, it comes at a cost. Accessing data from the storage device is significantly slower compared to retrieving it from RAM. This disparity in speed translates to performance degradation, manifesting as lags, stutters, and slower application response times during intensive swapping activity.

The severity of the performance impact depends on various factors, including:

  • swapping frequency
  • storage device speed
  • amount of RAM

Therefore, minimizing swapping activity is crucial for maintaining optimal system responsiveness and performance.

3. Zram

Zram is a Linux kernel module that creates a compressed block device entirely within the system’s RAM. This device acts as an alternative swap space, functioning similarly to a swap partition on our storage drive. However, the key difference lies in how zram handles data.

When the system needs to swap data due to RAM limitations, zram compresses the inactive memory pages before writing them to the dedicated compressed block device in RAM. This compression significantly reduces the amount of space required to store the swapped data, allowing for more data to reside within the limited RAM compared to an uncompressed swap setup.

Zram is a suitable solution for optimizing swap performance and reducing disk usage on systems with limited RAM or a focus on disk longevity. However, the potential for increased CPU overhead and limited scalability by available RAM should be considered during implementation.

4. Zswap

Zswap takes a different approach to optimizing swapping compared to zram. Instead of creating a dedicated compressed RAM block device, zswap functions as a lightweight, compressed cache specifically for swap pages.

When the system identifies a memory page as a candidate for swapping, zswap intercepts this page before it gets written to the traditional swap partition or file on the storage device. Zswap then analyzes the page to determine if it’s a good candidate for compression. If the page is compressible, often containing redundant data patterns, zswap compresses it and stores it within a dedicated memory pool. This pool resides in the system’s RAM, but unlike zram, it’s not a separate block device.

When the system subsequently needs a swapped page, zswap first checks its compressed cache. If the compressed version of the required page resides in the cache, zswap decompresses it and provides it to the requesting process, effectively bypassing the slower disk access involved in traditional swapping. This significantly improves performance for frequently accessed swap pages.

Overall, zswap offers a balance between performance improvement and resource usage. It requires less CPU overhead than zram and utilizes the existing swap infrastructure. However, it requires a pre-configured swap setup and offers less user control over the cache size.

5. Zcache

Zcache is an advanced Linux kernel feature designed to provide a unified caching mechanism for both file system data and swap data. It leverages a novel concept called transcendent memory to create a unified caching layer. This transcendent memory acts as a bridge between RAM and storage, enabling efficient caching of frequently accessed data from both the file system and swap space.

Unlike zram and zswap, which focus specifically on swap optimization, zcache aims to provide a more comprehensive caching solution. This allows the system to optimize the use of available memory by dynamically balancing the caching of file system data and swap pages

6. Summary

So far, we’ve explored the functionalities of zram, zswap and zcache. Here’s a comprehensive comparison table analyzing their concepts, benefits, limitations, and ideal use cases:





Use Cases


Compressed RAM block device for swap data

  • Faster swap access due to compressed data in RAM

  • Reduced disk wear and tear

  • Increased CPU overhead for compression/decompression

  • Limited scalability by available RAM size

  • Systems with limited RAM (less than 8GB)


Compressed cache for frequently accessed swap pages

  • Lower CPU overhead compared to zram

  • More efficient memory usage by caching relevant pages

  • Requires an existing swap partition or file

  • Less user control over cache size

  • Systems with moderate RAM (8GB+) and existing swap setup

  • Focus on improving swap performance without dedicated zram


Unified caching layer for file system and swap data using “transcendent memory”

  • Potentially improved overall performance through unified caching

  • More efficient memory management

  • Limited availability in most distributions

  • Advanced users seeking a unified caching solution

  • Systems with specific performance requirements

By carefully considering these factors, we can choose the tool that best aligns with our system’s configuration and performance goals. Additionally, experimentation and monitoring system performance can also be helpful when determining the most effective solution for our specific needs.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve extensively discussed different swapping technologies like zram, zswap, and zcache. First, we highlighted the reasons for data swapping, as well as some of the potential performance issues. After that, we talked about zram, the preferred choice for systems with limited RAM, offering faster swap access and reduced disk wear through compressed RAM storage.

After that, we considered zswap for a performance boost by caching frequently accessed swapped data, with lower CPU overhead compared to zram. This option is more suitable for systems with moderate RAM and existing swap setup. Finally, we checked out zcache, which holds the promise of a unified caching approach that could significantly improve overall system performance in the future.