1. Introduction
Project Lombok is a popular library for reducing Java boilerplate.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll take a look at how Lombok’s @Getter annotation works on boolean fields to remove the need to create its corresponding getter methods.
2. Maven Dependency
Let’s start by adding Project Lombok to our pom.xml:
3. Using @Getter on a boolean Field
Let’s say that we want Lombok to generate an accessor method for our private boolean field.
We can annotate that field with @Getter:
private boolean running;
And Lombok will use its annotation processor to generate an isRunning() method in the class.
And now, we can refer to it, even though we haven’t written the method ourselves:
public void whenBasicBooleanField_thenMethodNamePrefixedWithIsFollowedByFieldName() {
LombokExamples lombokExamples = new LombokExamples();
3.1. A boolean Field Having the Same Name as Its Accessor
Let’s add another line of code to make the example a little bit tricky:
private boolean isRunning = true;
It’d be a bit cumbersome if Lombok created a method called isIsRunning.
Instead, Lombok creates isRunning like before:
public void whenBooleanFieldPrefixedWithIs_thenMethodNameIsSameAsFieldName() {
LombokExamples lombokExamples = new LombokExamples();
3.2. Two boolean Fields With the Same Accessor Name
Sometimes, there can be conflicts.
Let’s say that we need to have the following lines in the same class:
public boolean running = true;
public boolean isRunning = false;
There are many reasons we should avoid a confusing naming convention like this. One of them is that it creates a conflict for Lombok.
Using Lombok’s convention, these two fields would have the same accessor method name: isRunning. But having two methods with the same name in the same class will create a compiler error.
Lombok solves this by creating only one accessor method and, in this case, pointing it at running, based on field declaration order:
public void whenTwoBooleanFieldsCauseNamingConflict_thenLombokMapsToFirstDeclaredField() {
LombokExamples lombokExamples = new LombokExamples();
assertTrue(lombokExamples.isRunning() == lombokExamples.running);
assertFalse(lombokExamples.isRunning() == lombokExamples.isRunning);
4. Using @Getter on a Boolean Field
Now, Lombok treats the Boolean type just a bit differently.
Let’s try our same running example one last time, but with Boolean instead of the primitive type:
private Boolean running;
Instead of creating isRunning, Lombok will generate getRunning:
public void whenFieldOfBooleanType_thenLombokPrefixesMethodWithGetInsteadOfIs() {
LombokExamples lombokExamples = new LombokExamples();
5. Conclusion
In this article, we explored how to use Lombok’s @Getter annotation for boolean primitives and Boolean objects.
And make sure to check out the samples over on Github.