1. Overview

Lucene Analyzers are used to analyze text while indexing and searching documents.

We mentioned analyzers briefly in our introductory tutorial.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss commonly used Analyzers, how to construct our custom analyzer and how to assign different analyzers for different document fields.

2. Maven Dependencies

First, we need to add these dependencies to our pom.xml:


The latest Lucene version can be found here.

3. Lucene Analyzer

Lucene Analyzers split the text into tokens.

Analyzers mainly consist of tokenizers and filters. Different analyzers consist of different combinations of tokenizers and filters.

To demonstrate the difference between commonly used analyzers, we’ll use this following method:

public List<String> analyze(String text, Analyzer analyzer) throws IOException{
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(FIELD_NAME, text);
    CharTermAttribute attr = tokenStream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
    while(tokenStream.incrementToken()) {
    return result;

This method converts a given text into a list of tokens using the given analyzer.

4. Common Lucene Analyzers

Now, let’s have a look at some commonly used Lucene analyzers.

4.1. StandardAnalyzer

We’ll start with the StandardAnalyzer which is the most commonly used analyzer:

private static final String SAMPLE_TEXT
  = "This is baeldung.com Lucene Analyzers test";

public void whenUseStandardAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new StandardAnalyzer());

      contains("baeldung.com", "lucene", "analyzers","test"));

Note that the StandardAnalyzer can recognize URLs and emails.

Also, it removes stop words and lowercases the generated tokens.

4.2. StopAnalyzer

The StopAnalyzer consists of LetterTokenizer, LowerCaseFilter, and StopFilter:

public void whenUseStopAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new StopAnalyzer());

      contains("baeldung", "com", "lucene", "analyzers", "test"));

In this example, the LetterTokenizer splits text by non-letter characters, while the StopFilter removes stop words from the token list.

However, unlike the StandardAnalyzer, StopAnalyzer isn’t able to recognize URLs.

4.3. SimpleAnalyzer

SimpleAnalyzer consists of LetterTokenizer and a LowerCaseFilter:

public void whenUseSimpleAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new SimpleAnalyzer());

      contains("this", "is", "baeldung", "com", "lucene", "analyzers", "test"));

Here, the SimpleAnalyzer didn’t remove stop words. It also doesn’t recognize URLs.

4.4. WhitespaceAnalyzer

The WhitespaceAnalyzer uses only a WhitespaceTokenizer which splits text by whitespace characters:

public void whenUseWhiteSpaceAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new WhitespaceAnalyzer());

      contains("This", "is", "baeldung.com", "Lucene", "Analyzers", "test"));

4.5. KeywordAnalyzer

The KeywordAnalyzer tokenizes input into a single token:

public void whenUseKeywordAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new KeywordAnalyzer());

    assertThat(result, contains("This is baeldung.com Lucene Analyzers test"));

The KeywordAnalyzer is useful for fields like ids and zipcodes.

4.6. Language Analyzers

There are also special analyzers for different languages like EnglishAnalyzerFrenchAnalyzer, and SpanishAnalyzer:

public void whenUseEnglishAnalyzer_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, new EnglishAnalyzer());

    assertThat(result, contains("baeldung.com", "lucen", "analyz", "test"));

Here, we’re using the EnglishAnalyzer which consists of StandardTokenizer, StandardFilter, EnglishPossessiveFilter, LowerCaseFilter, StopFilter, and PorterStemFilter.

5. Custom Analyzer

Next, let’s see how to build our custom analyzer. We’ll build the same custom analyzer in two different ways.

In the first example, we’ll use the CustomAnalyzer builder to construct our analyzer from predefined tokenizers and filters:

public void whenUseCustomAnalyzerBuilder_thenAnalyzed() throws IOException {
    Analyzer analyzer = CustomAnalyzer.builder()
    List<String> result = analyze(SAMPLE_TEXT, analyzer);

    assertThat(result, contains("Baeldung.com", "Lucen", "Analyz", "Test"));

Our analyzer is very similar to EnglishAnalyzer, but it capitalizes the tokens instead.

In the second example, we’ll build the same analyzer by extending the Analyzer abstract class and overriding the createComponents() method:

public class MyCustomAnalyzer extends Analyzer {

    protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
        StandardTokenizer src = new StandardTokenizer();
        TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(src);
        result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
        result = new StopFilter(result,  StandardAnalyzer.STOP_WORDS_SET);
        result = new PorterStemFilter(result);
        result = new CapitalizationFilter(result);
        return new TokenStreamComponents(src, result);

We can also create our custom tokenizer or filter and add it to our custom analyzer if needed.

Now, let’s see our custom analyzer in action – we’ll use InMemoryLuceneIndex in this example:

public void givenTermQuery_whenUseCustomAnalyzer_thenCorrect() {
    InMemoryLuceneIndex luceneIndex = new InMemoryLuceneIndex(
      new RAMDirectory(), new MyCustomAnalyzer());
    luceneIndex.indexDocument("introduction", "introduction to lucene");
    luceneIndex.indexDocument("analyzers", "guide to lucene analyzers");
    Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("body", "Introduct"));

    List<Document> documents = luceneIndex.searchIndex(query);
    assertEquals(1, documents.size());

6. PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper

Finally, we can assign different analyzers to different fields using PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper.

First, we need to define our analyzerMap to map each analyzer to a specific field:

Map<String,Analyzer> analyzerMap = new HashMap<>();
analyzerMap.put("title", new MyCustomAnalyzer());
analyzerMap.put("body", new EnglishAnalyzer());

We mapped the “title” to our custom analyzer and the “body” to the EnglishAnalyzer.

Next, let’s create our PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper by providing the analyzerMap and a default Analyzer:

PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper wrapper = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(
  new StandardAnalyzer(), analyzerMap);

Now, let’s test it:

public void givenTermQuery_whenUsePerFieldAnalyzerWrapper_thenCorrect() {
    InMemoryLuceneIndex luceneIndex = new InMemoryLuceneIndex(new RAMDirectory(), wrapper);
    luceneIndex.indexDocument("introduction", "introduction to lucene");
    luceneIndex.indexDocument("analyzers", "guide to lucene analyzers");
    Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("body", "introduct"));
    List<Document> documents = luceneIndex.searchIndex(query);
    assertEquals(1, documents.size());
    query = new TermQuery(new Term("title", "Introduct"));
    documents = luceneIndex.searchIndex(query);
    assertEquals(1, documents.size());

7. Conclusion

We discussed popular Lucene Analyzers, how to build a custom analyzer and how to use a different analyzer per field.

The full source code can be found on GitHub.