1. Overview

ElasticSearch is a powerful search and analytics engine that provides efficient indexing and searching of large volumes of data. It’s widely used in various applications and industries. In addition to its many other features, ElasticSearch provides basic pagination using from and size parameters. Pagination enables users to navigate through large result sets. However, deep pagination, which refers to retrieving results beyond the initial pages, becomes inefficient and challenging with from and size due to performance issues and the maximum result window limit ElasticSearch imposes.

The search_after parameter offers a solution to these restrictions. It facilitates deep pagination in ElasticSearch by enabling the retrieval of subsequent pages based on the sort values of the last document on the previous page.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the search_after parameter in ElasticSearch and how it addresses the challenges of deep pagination. We’ll give an overview of pagination in ElasticSearch, discuss the limitations of the conventional from and size parameters, and explain how search_after offers a more efficient solution for retrieving large result sets.

2. Pagination in ElasticSearch

To begin with, let’s first understand how pagination works in ElasticSearch and the limitations of the conventional approaches.

As mentioned, ElasticSearch uses from and size parameters for pagination:

  • from: specifies the starting offset of the results
  • size: determines the number of results to retrieve per page

Let’s check an example query using from and size:

GET /index/_search
  "from": 0,
  "size": 10,
  "query": {
    // query details

However, using from and size for deep pagination has its limitations:

  • performance degrades when using large from values because ElasticSearch needs to skip a large number of documents to reach the desired offset
  • maximum result window limit restricts the total number of retrievable results

These limitations have implications for deep pagination scenarios. Retrieving results beyond the initial pages becomes inefficient, leading to increased memory consumption and reduced query performance. Implementing features like infinite scrolling or real-time updates becomes challenging due to these constraints.

3. The search_after Parameter

The search_after parameter addresses the challenges of deep pagination in ElasticSearch by providing an efficient way to retrieve subsequent pages based on the sort values of the last document on the previous page.

search_after works by using the sort values of the last document as a reference point. It specifies the sort values from which to start the next page, and ElasticSearch efficiently retrieves the next set of results based on the provided sort values. The search_after value is an array of sort values that should match the order and data types of the fields we specify in the sort clause.

Now, let’s see an example query using search_after:

GET /index/_search
  "sort": [
    {"timestamp": "desc"},
    {"_id": "asc"}
  "search_after": [1621234567, "document_id"],
  "query": {
    // query details

In the next section, we look deeper into the implementation details of search_after and provide practical examples of using it in ElasticSearch queries.

4. Implementing search_after in ElasticSearch Queries

To leverage search_after, we follow a specific pattern in the query structure.

4.1. Implementation

First, we must include a sort clause that defines the sorting order for search results. The sorting order is important because it determines the reference point for the search_after parameter. The sort clause can specify the fields and their respective sorting directions (ascending or descending).

For clarity, let’s see an example of a sort clause:

"sort": [
  {"timestamp": "desc"},
  {"_id": "asc"}

In this case, the results are sorted primarily by the timestamp field in descending order and secondarily by the _id field in ascending order. The search_after parameter uses these fields to determine the starting point for the next page of results.

Next, we need to include the search_after parameter in the query. The value of search_after should be an array of sort values corresponding to the last document of the previous page. These values should match the order and data types of the fields specified in the sort clause:

"search_after": [1621234567, "document_id"]

In this code snippet, the search_after value consists of the timestamp 1621234567 and the document_id of the last document from the previous page.

It’s important to choose the appropriate fields for the sort clause and the search_after parameter. The fields should be sortable and should provide a unique combination to identify each document. In most cases, using a timestamp or a unique identifier field is sufficient and recommended.

4.2. Best Practices

When implementing search_after, we should also consider several guidelines:

  • ensure the sorting order remains consistent across all pages
  • avoid using fields that may change dynamically, as it can lead to inconsistent results
  • consider that when a document referenced by the search_after value is missing or deleted, ElasticSearch returns the next available document
  • obtain the sort values from the last document of the current page and use them as the search_after value accordingly when fetching the next page of results

Following these guidelines can enable us to effectively implement search_after in ElasticSearch queries and achieve efficient deep pagination.

5. Use Cases and Benefits

Having explored the implementation details of search_after, let’s now examine some use cases where this pagination technique is particularly beneficial.

5.1. Infinite Scrolling

One common scenario where search_after shines is in applications that require infinite scrolling. With this, users can continuously load more results as they scroll down the page, providing an interactive browsing experience.

Further, implementing infinite scrolling using traditional pagination methods like from and size can be inefficient and resource-intensive, especially when dealing with large datasets. However, by leveraging search_after, we can efficiently retrieve the next set of results based on the last document of the previous page.

5.2. Real-Time Search Applications

Another use case where search_after excels is in real-time search applications. In such applications, new documents are continuously added or updated, and users expect to see the latest results as they interact with the search interface.

Therefore, with search_after, we can easily retrieve the next page of results based on the current sort values, ensuring that users always see the most up-to-date information. This is particularly valuable in domains like social media, news feeds, or real-time analytics, where the timeliness of data is especially important.

5.3. Large-Scale Data Processing and Analysis

Furthermore, search_after proves beneficial in scenarios involving large-scale data processing and analysis. When dealing with massive datasets, pagination becomes essential to process and analyze data in manageable chunks. Traditional pagination methods can be slow and resource-intensive, especially when processing millions or billions of documents.

By utilizing search_after, we can efficiently iterate through the dataset, retrieving subsequent pages of results based on the last processed document. Thus, we have faster and more scalable data processing pipelines to analyze and derive insights from large volumes of data efficiently.

6. search_after vs. Other Pagination Techniques

Now, let’s compare search_after with other pagination techniques to highlight its advantages:

  • efficiencysearch_after eliminates the need to skip a large number of documents to reach the desired offset, which makes it more efficient than using from and size for deep pagination and minimizes the overhead of navigating through irrelevant results
  • scalabilitysearch_after scales well with large datasets to retrieve subsequent pages of results without hitting the maximum result window limit ElasticSearch imposes to avoid performance degradation
  • flexibilitysearch_after provides flexibility in terms of sorting and filtering, so we can specify custom sorting orders and apply additional filters to refine the search results based on our specific requirements
  • statelessnesssearch_after is a stateless pagination technique, which means that it doesn’t require maintaining any server-side state

Each pagination request is self-contained and includes the necessary information to retrieve the next page of results, simplifying the implementation and reducing server-side complexity.

However, it’s worth noting that search_after also has some limitations. First, it relies on the sort values of the last document. This means that if the underlying data changes frequently or documents are deleted, it may affect the pagination results. Additionally, search_after requires careful handling of scenarios where the last document of a page is missing or deleted.

Despite these considerations, search_after remains an efficient pagination technique for a wide range of use cases.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored the search_after parameter in ElasticSearch and its significance in enabling efficient deep pagination.

We began by understanding the limitations of traditional pagination methods, such as using from and size parameters, which can lead to performance issues and hit the maximum result window limit when dealing with large datasets. Then, we delved into the workings of search_after explaining how it utilizes the sort values of the last document in the previous page to determine the starting point for retrieving the next set of results.

Finally, we explored use cases, where search_after proves particularly beneficial, and compared search_after with other pagination techniques.