1. Introduction

Writing commit messages that clearly and succinctly describe the changes can be very challenging.

In this tutorial, we’ll study some of the best practices for Git commit messages.

First, let’s understand the concept of commit messages and their relevance. Next, we’ll examine the best practices for creating well-structured and informative commit messages. Then, we’ll see how we can create well-structured commit messages via the command line. Finally, we’ll summarize the best practices.

2. Commit Messages

Let’s start by learning what Git commit messages are and their importance.

2.1. What Is a Commit Message?

When working in a Git repository, we make changes to the codebase and save them all the time. In this context, we call each saved change a commit.

Each commit has a set of attributes, such as an identifier (hash), metadata (author, creation date, etc.), and a message. In particular, a commit message describes the change that was made. Thus, the main purpose of a commit message is to allow other contributors to understand what was done in the commit and why.

2.2. Why Commit Messages Matter?

Git commit messages are more than just annotations of code changes; they serve as a historical record of the project’s evolution. Thus, poor and non-standardized commit messages can make it considerably more difficult to understand what is being done in a project.

On the other hand, clear and informative commit messages enable developers to understand how each issue was addressed easily. In addition, this can make it easier to grasp the motivation and impact of each change on the codebase.

Therefore, making well-structured and informative commit messages is the best way to communicate context about changes to other contributors working on a project, and indeed, to ourselves in the future.

3. Best Practices

Now, let’s examine the best practices for Git commit messages.

3.1. Structure for Good Commit Messages

A simple commit message is usually composed of a single sentence. However, it is very common for a single sentence not to be able to provide enough information about the context of the commit.

In this sense, a widely adopted approach to providing more context about changes is the use of structured commit messages. This type of message is made up of three parts:



<Tags and External References>

The first line of the message is the subject, intended to describe the commit briefly. Thus, this serves as a title for the commit. Therefore, it should be clear and concise.

The description provides more detailed information about the changes made. Usually, we need more than one sentence to write a good description.

We can add tags and external references to the commit message. In this case, the tags indicate the type of change (feature, bug fix, etc.), and the external references (such as ticket numbers) specify which issue is being addressed.

Typically, we separate each of these parts of the message by a blank line.

3.2. How to Elaborate the Content of the Message

In addition to adopting a well-defined structure, we need to know what to say and how to use the message. In practice, this involves knowing some basic principles about writing the subject and description of a commit message.

The most essential principle when writing the subject is to use the imperative mood. Therefore, instead of saying “Adding…”, “Fixing…”, “Reverting…”, etc., we need to use “Add…”, “Fix…”, and “Revert…”, respectively.

Another good practice is to emphasize the “why” and not just the “how”. For example, instead of writing “Add import_key() function” in the subject, it would be better to write something like “Add support for users to import keys”.

This idea extends to the description of the commit. In particular, we should write the description so that other contributors can understand the changes and why. As an example, a good description for the subject presented in the previous paragraph would be something like this:

"Currently, users can only use keys created within the platform. Adds the
import_key() function to allow the import of keys created externally."

3.3. The 50/72 Rule

The 50/72 rule is a widely adopted standard for normalizing the commit message format. 50 refers to the maximum number of characters of the commit message’s subject (or title). Meanwhile, 72 indicates that we should format the body of the message in columns of up to 72 characters.

These limits were established based on analyzing good practices in relevant projects. An example of this is the commit messages in the Linux kernel, which have titles that summarize the changes well, usually using around 50 characters.

Similarly, the widely accepted standard for the length of readable lines is 80 characters, which contributed to the column limit of up to 72 characters. Of the 80 characters, 8 are purposely cut off: 4 because Git automatically adds a 4-character padding to the left of the commit message body and the other 4 characters should be padded to the right to keep everything centred.

3.4. Conventional Commits

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention for commit messages. It provides a set of rules for adding human—and machine-readable meaning to commit messages. Thus, the main purpose is to make it easier to create automated tools on top of commit messages.

In this sense, this convention adds some specific elements to commit messages. One main element is the commit type. The table below shows the most common commit types included in the specification:




Introduce a new feature to the codebase


Fix a bug in the codebase


Create/update documentation


Feature and updates related to styling


Refactor a specific section of the codebase


Add or update code related to testing


Regular code maintenance

Also, this convention defines the subject of the commit message with the following structure:

<type>(optional scope): <subject-description>

Following this structure, a commit that adds, for example, a new endpoint to an API to allow the creation of coupons, should have a subject that looks like this:

"feat(api): Add support to create coupons"

In addition, we can add BREAKING CHANGE: to the footer to indicate that the commit introduces breaking changes. Alternatively, we can add ! after the commit type to highlight the breaking changes:

"chore!: Update Python version to use newer libs

More recent versions of important project libs no longer support Python
3.6. This has prevented us from using new features offered by such libs.
Add support for Python 3.12.

BREAKING CHANGE: drop support for Python 3.6"

4. Writing Structured Commit Messages via Command Line

Here, we’ll look at two methods for making commits with a message consisting of a subject and a description.

4.1. Using the -m Flag

Probably, the most common way to commit with a simple message is to use the -m flag:

git commit -m "My commit message"

However, we can also use this flag to write structured commit messages. In particular, if multiple -m flags are given, their values are concatenated as separate paragraphs. Therefore, we can use the command below to create a message with a subject and a description:

git commit -m "My Subject" -m "My description..."

4.2. Using the Default Editor

A very practical method for creating structured commit messages is to use a text editor. All we need to do is use the git commit command without any additional options:

git commit

Running the above command will open the default editor so that we can write the commit message. Once the message is complete, just save the content.

We can also configure the default editor:

git config --global core.editor <editor-name>

Remember to replace with the name of a text editor, such as “nano”, “emacs”, “vim”, or any other.

5. Summary

To summarize, here’s how we can achieve great Git commit messages:

  • Create a subject and a description (separated with a blank line)
  • Specify the commit type (feat, fix, style, etc.)
  • Use the imperative mood in the subject
  • Explain in the description what changes were made and why
  • Keep the subject up to 50 characters and the description formatted in 72-character columns

6. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we’ve studied the main best practices for writing good Git commit messages. As we’ve learned, there are many common practices, such as the 50/72 rule and conventional commits, which lead us to well-structured and informative commit messages.