1. Overview

In the world of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CICD), Jenkinsfiles have become an essential tool for developers. These files let us define the entire CICD pipeline as code, providing flexibility and version control for the build processes. However, as projects grow in complexity, we might often face the common challenge of effectively handling different branches within a single Jenkinsfile.

To begin with, let’s consider why this is important. In a typical development workflow, we usually have various branches serving different purposes. For instance, we could have a main branch for production code, a development branch for ongoing work, and feature branches for specific enhancements. Each of these branches might require slightly different build, test, or deployment processes.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore several strategies to address this challenge. We’ll start with basic techniques and gradually move on to more advanced approaches.

2. Understanding Branch-Specific Pipelines

As we go deeper into the exploration of Jenkinsfile, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of a branch-specific pipeline. Let’s break this idea down into two key aspects:

  • the importance of branch differentiation
  • common branch types in development workflows

We start with an introduction to branch differentiation.

2.1. The Importance of Branch Differentiation

First and foremost, why should we care about differentiating between branches in the CICD pipeline?

The answer lies in the diverse needs of the development process.

To begin with, different branches often serve distinct purposes in a workflow. For instance, the main branch typically represents production-ready code. Consequently, it requires rigorous testing and careful deployment procedures. On the other hand, a feature branch might need a more streamlined process to facilitate rapid development and testing.

Moreover, by tailoring the pipeline to specific branches, we perform several activities:

  • optimize resource usage by running only necessary steps for each branch
  • implement branch-specific quality gates
  • customize deployment targets based on the branch (e.g. staging for develop, production for main)
  • adjust notification settings to alert the right team members

In essence, branch differentiation enables us to create a more efficient, targeted, and effective CICD process.

2.2. Common Branch Types in Development Workflows

Now that we understand why branch differentiation is important, let’s examine some common branch types we encounter in the development workflows:

  • Main (or Master) Branch: This is typically the production-ready code, which usually requires the most stringent checks and deployment procedures.
  • Develop Branch: Often used as an integration for branch features, the develop branch needs a comprehensive test suite but is deployed to a staging environment.
  • Feature Branches: These branches are created for developing new features and require basic checks and tests but not necessarily a deployment.
  • Hotfix Branches: Created to patch production issues quickly, hotfix branches need an expedited but careful pipeline process.
  • Release Branches: Used to prepare for a new production release, these branches require a full suite of tests and pre-production deployment steps.

By understanding these common branch types, we can start to envision how the Jenkinsfile might need to behave differently for each one.

3. Conditional Execution in Jenkinsfiles

After establishing the importance of branch-specific pipelines, let’s dive into the first strategy for implementing them, conditional execution. This approach enables us to tailor the pipeline’s behavior based on the branch being built.

3.1. Using the when Directive

Jenkins provides us with a powerful tool called the when directive. This directive can specify conditions under which a stage should be executed.

Let’s look at an example:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Deploy to Production') {
            when {
                branch 'main'
            steps {
                echo 'Deploying to production...'
                // Add deployment steps here

In this example, we’ve created a stage that only executes when the branch being built is main. This is particularly useful for ensuring that production deployments only occur from the main branch.

Moreover, we can use more complex conditions with the when directive:

when {
    anyOf {
        branch 'develop'
        branch 'staging'

This condition enables the stage to run if the branch is either develop or staging.

3.2. Implementing if-else Statements

While the when directive is powerful, sometimes we need more flexibility. In such cases, we can use traditional if-else statements within the pipeline:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build and Test') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main' || env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
                        echo 'Running full test suite...'
                        // Add comprehensive test steps here
                    } else {
                        echo 'Running quick tests...'
                        // Add basic test steps here

In this example, we’re using an if-else statement to determine which set of tests to run based on the branch name. This enables us to run a full test suite on the main and develop branches while running a quicker set of tests on future branches.

Furthermore, we can combine these approaches for more complex logic:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
                        echo 'Deploying to production...'
                        // Add production deployment steps
                    } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
                        echo 'Deploying to staging...'
                        // Add staging deployment steps
                    } else {
                        echo 'Skipping deployment for feature branch'

This script provides a way to have different deployment behaviors for maindevelop, and all other branches.

By using these conditional execution techniques, we can create a single Jenkinsfile that behaves differently based on the branch being built. This approach preserves flexibility while maintaining the simplicity of a single pipeline definition.

4. Environment Variables for Branch Detection

These variables can significantly enhance the ability to detect and respond to different branches.

4.1. Built-in Jenkins Environment Variables

To begin with, Jenkins has several built-in environment variables that we can leverage for branch detection. One of the most useful is BRANCH_NAME.

Let’s look at how we might use this variable:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "Building branch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('feature/')) {
                        echo "This is a feature branch"
                        // Add feature branch-specific build steps here
                    } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
                        echo "This is the develop branch"
                        // Add develop branch-specific build steps here

In the code snippet above, we’re using env.BRANCH_NAME to detect different types of branches. We can even leverage string methods like startsWith() to identify feature branches based on a naming convention.

Moreover, Jenkins provides other useful variables:

  • CHANGE_ID: pull requests
  • BUILD_NUMBER: current build
  • JOB_NAME: project name

These can be combined for more complex branches and build detection logic.

4.2. Creating Custom Environment Variable

While built-in variables are useful, sometimes we need more specific information. In such cases, we can create custom environment variables. Here’s how we might do that:

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        DEPLOY_TARGET = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main' ? 'production' : 'staging'}"
    stages {
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "Deploying to ${env.DEPLOY_TARGET}"
                    // Add deployment steps here

In this example, we created a custom DEPLOY_TARGET variable. We use the ternary operator to set the variable to production if the branch is main, and staging otherwise. This enables easy referencing of the deployment target throughout the pipeline.

Furthermore, we can use Groovy closures to create more complex custom variables:

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        BRANCH_TYPE = "${
            if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
                return 'production'
            } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
                return 'development'
            } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('feature/')) {
                return 'feature'
            } else {
                return 'unknown'
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                echo "Branch type: ${env.BRANCH_TYPE}"
                // Add branch type-specific build steps here

This script creates a BRANCH_NAME variable that categorizes the current branch. We can then use this variable throughout the pipeline to adjust the build process accordingly.

By leveraging both built-in and custom environment variables, we can create a highly flexible and responsive Jenkinsfile. These variables enable us to detect and respond to different branches with precision, ensuring that each branch receives the appropriate treatment in the CICD pipeline.

5. Multibranch Pipeline Projects

This Jenkins feature takes the branch-handling capabilities to the next level, providing even more flexibility and automation in the CICD processes.

5.1. Setting Up a Multibranch Pipeline

To begin with, setting up a Multibranch Pipeline is straightforward. Instead of creating a regular pipeline job, we create a Multibranch Pipeline. This type of project automatically detects branches in the source control repository and creates pipeline jobs for each branch it finds.

Let’s see a step-by-step of how we can set up a Multibranch Pipeline:

  1. Open the Jenkins dashboard
  2. Log in
  3. Click New Item
  4. Input a name for the project
  5. Select Multibranch Pipeline
  6. On the configuration page, go to Branch Sources
  7. Add the source control repository
  8. Configure the branch discovery settings as needed
  9. Save the configuration

Once set up, Jenkins scans the repository and creates jobs for each branch that contains a Jenkinsfile. This automation saves significant time and effort in managing pipelines for multiple branches.

5.2. Branch-Specific Jenkinsfiles

One of the most powerful features of Multibranch Pipelines is the ability to have branch-specific Jenkinsfiles. This means we can have different pipeline definitions for different branches, all within the same project.

For instance, we might have a simplified Jenkinsfile for the feature branches:

// Jenkinsfile in a feature branch
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                echo 'Building feature branch'
                // Add feature branch-specific build steps
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                echo 'Running quick tests'
                // Add quick test suite

Now, let’s see a more comprehensive Jenkinsfile for the main branch:

// Jenkinsfile in main branch
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                echo 'Building main branch'
                // Add main branch-specific build steps
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                echo 'Running comprehensive test suite'
                // Add full test suite
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                echo 'Deploying to production'
                // Add production deployment steps

This approach tailors the pipeline specifically to each branch without the complexity of managing everything in a single Jenkinsfile.

Furthermore, we can combine this with the strategies we learned in previous sections. For example, we might have a base Jenkinsfile that uses conditionals and environment variables to handle most branches, and then override this with branch-specific Jenkinsfiles for branches that need significantly different pipelines:

// Base Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
                        echo 'Building for production'
                        // Production build steps
                    } else {
                        echo 'Building for testing'
                        // Test build steps
        // More stages...

This base Jenkinsfile would handle most branches, but we can still have a completely different Jenkinsfile in a branch that needs a unique pipeline.

By leveraging Multibranch Pipeline projects, we gain the flexibility to handle each branch uniquely while maintaining the convenience of centralized management. This feature, combined with the strategies we discussed in previous sections, provides a powerful toolkit for managing complex, branch-specific CICD pipelines.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explored various strategies for handling different branches in Jenkinsfiles. We began by understanding the importance of branch-specific pipelines and how they can streamline the CICD processes.

From there, we delved into practical techniques such as conditional execution using the when directive and if-else statements, leveraging environment variables for branch detection, and utilizing Multibranch Pipeline projects for automated branch management.