1. Overview

When working with Kubernetes, managing volumes is a fundamental task. Two essential properties, subPath and mountPath, play critical roles in how volumes are mounted within pods. In this tutorial, we’ll explain what these properties are, how they differ, and when to use each one.

2. Understanding Volumes in Kubernetes

Before diving into subPath and mountPath, let’s briefly review what volumes are and how they are used in Kubernetes. A volume in Kubernetes is a directory accessible to containers in a pod. Volumes allow data to persist across container restarts and can be shared among containers within the same pod. They support various backends like hostPath, emptyDir, configMap, and persistentVolumeClaim.

Volumes are defined at the pod level and then mounted to containers. This flexibility allows us to manage data storage and sharing efficiently.


  • The diagram shows three pods (Pod 1, Pod 2, and Pod 3).
  • Each pod can have multiple containers.
  • Containers can mount volumes using volumeMounts in the pod spec.
  • A container can mount multiple volumes (e.g., Container 1 in Pod 1).
  • Not all containers need to use a volume (e.g., Container X in Pod 3).
  • The type of volume can be hostPath, emptyDir, configMap, or persistentVolumeClaim (PVC).

3. What Is mountPath?

The mountPath specifies the directory within a container where we mount a volume. This is the primary location where the container accesses the volume’s content. According to the Kubernetes documentation, mountPath is the directory in the pod where we mount volumes. For example:

  - name: my-volume
    mountPath: /app/data

In this example, the volume named my-volume is mounted to the /app/data directory within the container. We use mountPath when we want to make the entire volume available at a specific path within the container. This is useful when the container requires access to all the content within the volume.

4. What Is subPath?

The subPath property specifies a subdirectory within the referenced volume, rather than mounting the volume’s root. This allows us to mount a specific part of the volume. As per the official documentation, subPath specifies a sub-path inside the referenced volume instead of its root. For instance:

  - name: my-volume
    mountPath: /app/data/config
    subPath: config

Here, only the config subdirectory within my-volume is mounted to /app/data/config in the container. We use subPath when we need access to a specific part of the volume without exposing the entire volume to the container. This is particularly useful when different containers in the same pod require access to different parts of the same volume.

5. Combining mountPath and subPath

To understand how mountPath and subPath work together, let’s look at an example. We’ll mount a volume to a container using both properties.

Consider the following pod manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: example-pod
    - name: my-volume
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: my-container
      image: nginx
        - name: my-volume
          mountPath: /app/data/config
          subPath: config

In this example, the volume my-volume is mounted to /app/data/config within the container, but only the config subdirectory of the volume is used. If my-volume contains multiple subdirectories, only the config subdirectory will be accessible at /app/data/config in the container. This ensures that the container interacts only with the required part of the volume.

6. Practical Scenarios

Let’s explore some practical scenarios to solidify our understanding of mountPath and subPath.

6.1. Mounting a Configuration File

Suppose we need to mount a specific configuration file from a volume:

  - name: config-volume
    mountPath: /etc/config/app.conf
    subPath: app.conf

In this scenario, only the app.conf file from the volume will be mounted to /etc/config/app.conf within the container.

6.2. Mounting Multiple Directories

Consider a scenario where we need access to multiple directories within the same volume:

  - name: shared-volume
    mountPath: /data/logs
    subPath: logs
  - name: shared-volume
    mountPath: /data/cache
    subPath: cache

Here, the logs subdirectory is mounted to /data/logs, and the cache subdirectory is mounted to /data/cache.

7. Best Practices

Understanding when to use mountPath and subPath helps in designing efficient and maintainable Kubernetes deployments. Here are some best practices:

7.1. Use mountPath for Entire Volumes

Use mountPath when the container needs access to the entire volume. This simplifies the volume mount configuration and ensures that all content is available.

7.2. Use subPath for Specific Needs

Use subPath when only a part of the volume is needed. This prevents unnecessary exposure of the entire volume and provides better control over the container’s access.

7.3. Avoid Overwriting Mount Paths

Be cautious when using subPath to ensure it doesn’t conflict with other volume mounts. Properly manage the paths to avoid accidental overwriting.

8. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored the differences between mountPath and subPath in Kubernetes. We discussed their definitions, use cases, and practical scenarios. By understanding these properties, we can manage volume mounts effectively in our Kubernetes deployments.

By mastering mountPath and subPath, we’ll ensure our containers have the necessary access to volumes while maintaining security and efficiency.