1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the world of troubleshooting Minikube, specifically focusing on the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error. We’ll explore its core causes, implications, and practical solutions to get Minikube up and running smoothly.

2. Understanding the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES Error

Minikube is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM on our local machine and deploys a simple, single-node Kubernetes cluster. It’s widely used for testing and learning Kubernetes without needing a full-blown cluster. Like any software, it can encounter various errors during installation and startup. One common issue is the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error.

2.1. Common Errors in Minikube

When working with Minikube, users might face several errors, such as network issues, configuration problems, and resource allocation errors. One significant error is the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error, which occurs when the system does not meet the minimum CPU requirements.


Minikube requires a minimum of two CPU cores to run. This error occurs when the system does not meet this requirement. Older systems or specific configurations can lead to compatibility issues that prevent Minikube from accessing the necessary CPU resources.

3. Diagnosing the Error

Before jumping to solutions, it’s crucial to diagnose the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error accurately. This section covers the steps to identify the root cause of the problem.

3.1. Checking CPU Availability

To diagnose this error, let’s first verify our system’s CPU availability. We need to ensure our machine has at least two CPU cores dedicated to Minikube. We can check the CPU availability using the following commands:

$ lscpu | grep "^CPU(s):"
CPU(s):                1

If the output indicates that only one CPU is available, this is likely the cause of the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error.

3.2. Inspecting Minikube Logs

Minikube logs can provide detailed insights into what might be causing the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error. We use minikube logs to get detailed error messages:

$ minikube logs | grep -i "insufficient"
E0715 15:00:00.000000   1234 start.go:95] Error starting host: Error creating host: insufficient CPU cores available: minimum required is 2.

By reviewing the logs, we can confirm whether the error is due to insufficient CPU cores.

4. Solutions to the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES Error

Once the error is diagnosed, there are several solutions we can implement to resolve it.

4.1. Adjusting CPU Allocation

One of the primary solutions is adjusting the CPU allocation in our system settings to meet Minikube’s requirements.

  • Docker Settings: Ensure that Docker has enough CPU resources allocated. We can adjust this in Docker Desktop by navigating to Settings > Resources > CPUs and setting it to at least 2.
  • VirtualBox Settings: For VirtualBox, go to the VirtualBox Manager, select our Minikube VM, and adjust the CPU allocation under Settings > System > Processor.

4.2. Overriding Minikube Defaults

If adjusting CPU allocation doesn’t solve the problem, we can override Minikube defaults to force it to start.

We can use the –extra-config=kubeadm.ignore-preflight-errors=NumCPU flag when starting Minikube to bypass the CPU check:

$ minikube start --extra-config=kubeadm.ignore-preflight-errors=NumCPU --cpus=1

Another option is to force Minikube to start even with insufficient CPUs using the –force flag:

$ minikube start --cpus=1 --force

5. Preventing Future Errors

To avoid encountering the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error in the future, consider regularly checking and ensuring our system has adequate resources for running Minikube and other applications. Keeping our system updated and performing regular maintenance can help avoid resource allocation issues. By following these preventive measures, we can minimize the likelihood of running into this error again.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored the fundamentals of troubleshooting the RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES error in Minikube. We’ve covered key concepts like checking CPU availability, adjusting settings in Docker and VirtualBox, and using flags to override default settings. By understanding these principles, we’ll be well-equipped to handle this error and ensure a smooth Minikube experience.