1. Introduction

In the world of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), understanding Service Level Indicators (SLIs), Service Level Objectives (SLOs), and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is crucial. These metrics and agreements form the backbone of measuring, managing, and maintaining service reliability. By diving into these concepts, we can ensure our systems are resilient, high-performing, and aligned with user expectations.

As SRE practices have evolved, these concepts have become integral to the modern software engineering landscape. Originally developed by Google, SRE has spread across the industry, bringing with it a focus on reliability and performance.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs to implement effective SRE practices.

2. Service Level Indicators (SLIs)

Service Level Indicators (SLIs) are specific metrics that quantify various aspects of a service’s performance and reliability. These indicators serve as the foundation for evaluating our services functioning. We can gain critical insights into latency, availability, and error rates by carefully selecting and monitoring SLIs.

These metrics are essential because they provide the data needed to make informed decisions about where to focus our efforts in improving service reliability. We should also remember that the choice of SLIs directly impacts how we measure our success in meeting user expectations.

SLIs can vary depending on the nature of the service we are managing, but some are universally applicable.

For instance, latency measures the time it takes for our service to respond to a user request, which directly affects the user experience. Throughput quantifies the amount of data our system processes over time, helping us understand the system’s capacity and efficiency.

Error rate, on the other hand, tracks the percentage of requests that fail and is crucial for identifying and rectifying issues that could degrade service quality. Availability, another critical SLI, measures the percentage of time our service is up and running, reflecting its overall reliability.

Beyond the basics, advanced SLIs can offer deeper insights into service health. Metrics such as error budgets, user satisfaction scores, and request success rates provide a more nuanced understanding of reliability. These advanced indicators help us anticipate issues and optimize service performance.

3. Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are our specific targets for our SLIs. These objectives define acceptable performance and reliability levels, setting clear expectations for the engineering team and stakeholders.

Let’s start with an example of an SLI for latency. We might set an SLO that states: “95% of user requests should be served in under 200 milliseconds”. This objective tells us that the system must be fast enough to meet user expectations. Still, it acknowledges that occasional slowdowns are acceptable within the defined threshold.

Another common SLO could be related to availability. For instance, we might set an SLO that specifies “the service must be available 99.9% of the time within a given month”. This would translate to roughly 43 minutes of allowable downtime per month, often called “three nines” of availability. Such an SLO helps us understand the acceptable level of reliability for our service, guiding our efforts in maintaining uptime.

In the case of error rates, an SLO might state that “the error rate should not exceed 0.1% over a rolling 30-day period”. This objective ensures the system is stable and reliable, with few failed requests. It gives the team a clear goal to work towards, balancing the need for innovation with the necessity of maintaining high service quality.

SLOs serve as benchmarks against which we measure performance. When an SLI falls below its SLO, corrective action is required. This mechanism ensures that we maintain the desired level of service reliability.

SLOs are dynamic and should evolve to reflect changes in user expectations and technological advancements. By regularly reviewing and adjusting our SLOs, we ensure that our systems continue to meet the needs of our users and our business.

4. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are formal contracts between service providers and customers that define the expected level of service. Unlike SLIs and SLOs, which are primarily internal metrics, SLAs have legal implications and often include penalties for failing to meet the agreed-upon standards.

SLAs typically detail performance metrics like uptime and response time, specify penalties for not meeting these metrics, and outline any exclusions where the SLA may not apply, such as during scheduled maintenance.

For example, an uptime SLA might guarantee 99.9% uptime, with penalties such as service credits for every 0.1% below the target. Another SLA might guarantee a response time of 100ms or less for 95% of requests, with similar penalties for non-compliance.

Failing to meet SLAs can have serious consequences.

In 2019, Amazon Web Services (AWS) faced a significant outage that affected multiple services, leading to a failure to meet its Service Level Agreement (SLA) for uptime. This incident was particularly notable because it involved various regions and services, causing widespread disruptions. As a result, AWS had to issue substantial service credits to its customers, compensating them for the downtime experienced during the outage. These service credits are calculated based on the extent of the downtime and are typically a percentage of the monthly fees customers pay for the affected services.

This example underscores the importance of setting realistic SLAs and ensuring systems are robust enough to meet them. For companies like AWS, failing to meet SLAs impacts customer trust and has financial implications due to the need to issue service credits.

5. Comparing SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs

SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs are interconnected but serve distinct purposes within SRE practices. Here’s a comparison to clarify their roles:






Metric for measuring service performance

Target for service performance

Contractual agreement on service level


Monitor service health

Set performance goals

Define penalties and obligations


Internal for monitoring

Internal for goal setting

External for customer agreements


Latency, availability

99.9% uptime, 100ms latency

99.9% uptime with penalties

SLIs provide the data needed to monitor service health, SLOs define the performance targets based on these indicators, and SLAs ensure that these targets are met and aligned with customer expectations.

Together, they form a comprehensive framework for managing service reliability and customer satisfaction.

6. Tools and Technologies for Monitoring and Managing SRE Metrics

We need the right tools and technologies to manage SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs effectively. Here are some of the most popular ones in the industry.

6.1. Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus and Grafana are popular tools used for monitoring SLIs. The first collects and stores time-series data, which Grafana visualizes through customizable dashboards. Together, they provide real-time insights into service performance, allowing us to track SLO compliance effectively.

6.2. Google’s Stackdriver

Stackdriver, now integrated into Google Cloud Operations Suite, is another powerful tool for monitoring SLIs and managing SLOs. It provides detailed insights into Google Cloud services, helping us maintain high reliability and meet our SLAs.

6.3. Datadog

Datadog offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities, including support for various cloud platforms and applications. It allows us to set alerts based on SLIs, ensuring that deviations from SLOs are quickly identified and addressed.

6.4. New Relic

New Relic provides deep insights into application performance, making it a valuable tool for tracking SLIs like latency and error rates. By integrating New Relic into our monitoring strategy, we can better manage SLAs and ensure that service levels meet customer expectations.

6.5. Tools for SLO Management

In addition to monitoring tools, specialized software like SLO Tracker helps manage and automate the tracking of SLOs. These tools can integrate with our existing monitoring solutions to provide a holistic view of service performance and reliability.

7. Best Practices for Managing SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs

Let’s now discuss a few key points of healthy strategies related to managing SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs.

7.1. Involving Stakeholders

We should involve all relevant stakeholders when setting SLOs and SLAs. By collaborating with engineering teams, product managers, and customers, we ensure that our targets are realistic, aligned with business goals, and clearly understood by everyone involved.

7.2. Regular Reviews

We need to regularly review and update our SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs as our services evolve. This ongoing practice helps us ensure that our metrics and agreements remain relevant and reflect the needs of our users and our business.

7.3. Automating Monitoring

We can significantly reduce the risk of human error by automating the monitoring of SLIs and tracking of SLOs. Automation tools allow us to quickly identify deviations and generate reports and dashboards that provide a clear view of service performance.

7.4. Communication

We should prioritize effective communication to manage SLAs. By clearly informing customers about the terms of the SLA—including what is covered, what isn’t, and what happens in the event of a breach—we can set proper expectations. Internally, we should have a well-defined process for responding to SLA breaches.

7.5. Balancing Ambition and Realism

While it’s tempting to set ambitious SLOs to drive improvements, we must balance this ambition with realism. Setting overly ambitious SLOs can lead to burnout and unmet expectations, whereas conservative SLOs may fail to push the necessary performance improvements. We should aim for a middle ground that encourages progress without overstretching resources.

8. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored the fundamental concepts of SRE: SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs. These metrics and agreements are crucial for ensuring service reliability, meeting customer expectations, and driving continuous improvement. By understanding and implementing these concepts effectively, we can build resilient, high-performing systems that meet both business goals and user needs.