1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to use retry with delay in RxJava. When working with Observable, it is quite likely to get an error instead of a success. In such cases, we can use retry with delay to reattempt after some time.

2. Project Setup

To begin this, let’s create a Maven or a Gradle project. Here, we’re using a Maven-based project. Let’s add the rxjava dependency to our pom.xml file:


The dependency can be found on the Maven Central Page.

3. Retry in the Observable Lifecycle

Retry is used when an Observable source emits an error. This is a resubscription to the source in the hopes of getting completed without errors in the next attempt. Therefore, retry() and its other variants come into the picture only when the Observable emits an error.

3.1. Overloaded Variants of Retry

Apart from the retry() method discussed in the above section, RxJava provides two overloaded variants, retry(long) and retry(Func2).

The retry(long) returns an Observable that mirrors the source Observable. We resubscribe to this mirror only as long as it calls onError the specified number of times.

The retry(Func2) method takes a function that accepts a Throwable as input and produces a boolean as output. Here, we resubscribe to the mirror only if it returns true for the specific Exception and the retry count.

3.2. RetryWhen vs Retry

The retryWhen(Func1) provides us with an option to include custom logic to determine whether or not we should resubscribe to the mirror of the original Observable. This method accepts a function that takes the exception thrown by the onError handler.

If the function emits an item, we resubscribe to the mirror, while we don’t if it produces an onError notification.

4. Code Examples

Let’s now watch these concepts in action with the help of a few code snippets.

4.1. Successful Observable