1. Overview

Working with strings is fundamental to any programming language, and Scala is no exception. When it comes to string comparisons, case sensitivity can often play a crucial role. However, there are times when case-insensitive comparisons are necessary.

In this tutorial, we’ll delve deeper into two useful methods for performing case-insensitive string comparisons in Scala: equalsIgnoreCase and toLowerCase.contains.

2. The equalsIgnoreCase Method

The equalsIgnoreCase method is part of the StringOps implicit class in Scala. This class enriches Java’s String class with several additional methods.

The equalsIgnoreCase method is one such enhancement that enables straightforward case-insensitive string comparisons.

Let’s explore this method with an example:

val str = "Hello World"
val result = str.equalsIgnoreCase("hello world")
result should be (true)

Here, str.equalsIgnoreCase(“hello world”) returns true. The equalsIgnoreCase method compares the two strings character-by-character, completely disregarding their case.

What’s great about this method is its simplicity and directness. It cuts to the chase, making it a preferred choice when we’re only interested in comparing two strings for equality, irrespective of their case.

3. The toLowerCase.contains Method

However, there are situations where we need to check whether a larger string contains a certain substring, again disregarding case sensitivity. In these scenarios, we can use toLowerCase.contains. This method involves converting both strings to the same case (in this case, lower case) before comparing.

Here’s an example:

In this snippet, we first convert str and the comparison string to lowercase using toLowerCase, and then use contains to check if str includes the comparison string. This ensures that case variations don’t influence the comparison.

Despite being a bit more verbose than equalsIgnoreCase, this method shines when we check if a string contains a substring, not just comparing two strings for equality. It might be less efficient since it creates two new strings, especially when dealing with large strings.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we learned two methods for conducting case-insensitive string comparisons in Scala. We examined how equalsIgnoreCase delivers a neat, efficient approach for comparing strings, completely ignoring case. We also explored how toLowerCase.contains offers an alternative method that’s particularly useful when checking for the presence of a substring within a larger string independent of the case.

The choice between these two methods depends on the specific requirements of our task. If it’s a pure string comparison, equalsIgnoreCase may be the optimal choice, while for substring checks, toLowerCase.contains could provide more value. In any case, Scala offers us these robust methods to simplify our string comparison tasks, proving its versatility in handling different string manipulation scenarios.

As always, the full source code of the working examples is available over on GitHub.