1. Overview

A Future in Scala allows us to treat concurrency in a declarative way, hiding the complexity of asynchronous programming. We can map a Future, changing the value computed concurrently. But, what about a failed Future? Can we map something that fails into a new value? In this tutorial, we’ll explain exactly how to do just that.

2. The Scenario

Let’s start with a simple example. Imagine we want to implement a forecast service returning the weather, given a valid date. First of all, we need some objects that allow us to model the weather:

sealed trait Weather
case object Sunny extends Weather
case object Cloudy extends Weather
case object Rainy extends Weather
case object Windy extends Weather
case object Snowy extends Weather
case object Foggy extends Weather

So far, so good. Now to write our service. Our forecast service should return not a Weather directly, but a Future[Weather]. Indeed, the weather service will use an external HTTP service to get the weather information. Calls to external services through the internet can have a very high cost in terms of I/O, waiting for a response for many milliseconds (or even seconds!).

As we are prudent developers, we don’t want to waste our threads’ time waiting for HTTP responses. So, we leave the call to an ExecutionContext that wraps the computation result inside a Future. For the sake of simplicity, we give a trivial implementation of the HTTP client:

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

class HttpClient {
  def get(url: String): Future[String] =
    if (url.contains("2020-10-18"))
    else if (url.contains("2020-10-19"))
    else {
      Future {
        throw new RuntimeException

This trivial implementation will allow us to guide the execution of our forecast service. So, it’s time to implement the forecast service that uses the HttpClient to retrieve the weather.

3. How to Recover a Future

3.1. Recovering with a Synchronous Computation

The first attempt to develop the forecast service is very dumb. Indeed, it simply calls the HttpClient.get method:

class WeatherForecastService(val http: HttpClient) {
  def forecast(date: String): Future[Weather] =

However, the problem with this version of the WeatherForecastService is that it leaves all the responsibility to deal with the Failure value to the client. But, a client of a forecast service might only retrieve the weather information and not handle any errors.

It would be nice if the service returned the previous retrieved value to the client in case of failure. So, let’s add an attribute to the service storing the previous forecast:

var lastWeatherValue: Weather = Sunny

We don’t focus on the fact that the lastWeatherValue is mutable and can lead to race conditions in a concurrent environment.

Therefore, the main question is: How can we recover from a Future completed with a Failure instance? Fortunately, Scala 2.12 introduced the transform method to the Future API:

def transform[S](f: (Try[T]) ⇒ Try[S]): Future[S]

Basically, the transform method creates a new Future by applying the specified function to the result of this Future.

Indeed, with a function that accepts a Try value as input, we can handle both a Future completed successfully and a Future completed exceptionally. Moreover, the input function returns another Try value, which means that we can decide to recover from a Failure, mapping the Future value in a new value, or we can decide to simply leave the failure state.

Returning to our scenario, we can recover from a network error returning the previous retrieved forecast:

def forecast(date: String): Future[Weather] = {
    .transform {
      case Success(result) =>
        val retrieved = Weather(result)
        lastWeatherValue = retrieved
      case Failure(exception) =>
        println(s"Something went wrong, ${exception.getMessage}")

3.2. Recovering with an Asynchronous Computation

What if we need to recover using a value coming from an asynchronous computation that returns a new Future? Again, we are fortunate because the Future API gives us the transformWith method:

def transformWith[S](f: Try[T] => Future[S]): Future[S]

The transformWith method creates a new Future by applying the specified function, which produces a Future, to the result of this Future.

Ultimately, the method works like a flatMap on the Future type, which works both in a Future completed successfully and a Future completed exceptionally.

In our scenario, we can use the transformWith method by retrieving a forecast from a different fallback service in case of error:

def forecast(date: String, fallbackUrl: String): Future[Weather] =
    .transformWith {
      case Success(result) =>
        val retrieved = Weather(result)
        lastWeatherValue = retrieved
      case Failure(exception) =>
        println(s"Something went wrong, ${exception.getMessage}")

Hence, the user of our forecast service can now have the requested information, even if the primary forecast HTTP server is down!

3.3. How to Recover in Older Versions of Scala

Before Scala 2.12, the transform method had a different signature:

def transform[S](s: (T) ⇒ S, f: (Throwable) ⇒ Throwable): Future[S]

The above method takes two functions as input that allows transforming a completed Future and a Future completed exceptionally. So, there was no way to turn a failure into a value different from an exception. We need to find a workaround.

Indeed, the workaround existed, and it was calling first the map method to deal with the happy path and then calling the recover method. The latter allows us to recover a Future that completed exceptionally, turning it into something different from an exception.

Let’s implement our first version of the forecast method using the tools that older versions of Scala give us:

def forecastUsingMapAndRecover(date: String): Future[Weather] =
    .map { result =>
      val retrieved = Weather(result)
      lastWeatherValue = retrieved
    .recover {
      case e: Exception =>
        println(s"Something went wrong, ${e.getMessage}")

Moreover, it is also possible to mimic transformWith behavior. Instead of using a simple map, we must use a flatMap. Remember, the transformWith takes a function returning a Future as input. Then, we can call the recoverWith method, which behaves exactly as we need:

def forecastUsingFlatMapAndRecoverWith(date: String, fallbackUrl: String): Future[Weather] =
    .flatMap { result =>
      val retrieved = Weather(result)
      lastWeatherValue = retrieved
    .recoverWith {
      case e: Exception =>
        println(s"Something went wrong, ${e.getMessage}")

4. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we listed the available techniques that Scala gives us to recover from an asynchronous computation completed exceptionally. First, we analyzed the tools that newer versions of Scala give us: the transform and transformWith methods. Then, we showed how to obtain the same behavior in versions of Scala before 2.12.

As always, the code is available over on GitHub.